Checking more "sold" prices of any comparable items on Ebay; visiting a rather disappointing estate sale. Posting a request on Freecycling for small shipping boxes and another for bubble wrap; getting prompt, generous offers for each; collecting said supplies. Starting to log trips in my car record that are specifically marked "EB" for tax purposes.
Thinking about asking for a medium size , folding work table for the Ebay work, but willing to buy one at a yard/estate/garage sale if Freecycle does not come though. My office space is FULL and my dining room has become a combo household pantry (cum freezer) and merchandise/packaging warehouse. So far, yes, we are still having fun. I am learning a lot and it looks like Ebay sales may well be even more flexible, in terms of maintaining a schedule and freedom to work when I want, that mystery shopping. There is a great, family run, Post Express drop off location about 1 mile from home, and 3 doors from my Aldi's store. That takes USPS, UPS and other stuff 6 days a week and has free parking at the door. (As we age, the mantra becomes, "Logistics, logistics, logistics."
Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel
Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.