I might be the dork of the day... yesterday, I discovered that my efficient little route included one city a hundred miles out of the loop. You see, it all started when I self-assigned for [street name]. Oh, it's perfect! I might pick up a few shops on the fly. I thought that until I found out that the city had the same name as the hoped-for street name location. *oops* The good news about the unexpected side trip is that I need only a few gazillion dollars more than I presently have in order to live in a very nice forested area near that location. Every time I am near there, I picture "my" road that winds gently off into the woods and at the end of which is my forest house which no one can see from the road and beyond which, in whatever direction, is a clean water stream.....
So this put me a day behind. Now, I have to fit laundry into nap time, cram reports into cleaning time, and re-schedule the next nap for Friday at the earliest.
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)