They DO pay very well indeed, considering how low priced their food and merchandise are it's quite amazing. The starting pay here is $13 an hour and they give raises after the first year. Other grocery stores in my area pay $9 an hour and I know at least one of them keeps all their non-salaried employees at part-time. Aldi will hire full-time employees and they offer benefits for them. My oldest stepdaughter almost got a job there when she was in her early 20s but decided to be a bartender instead.
@KathyG wrote:
Aldi employees work hard for their pay..they have to run cash registers, stock shelves, and clean the store.]
@Flash wrote:
Heck, Wales, I thought the current fashion was long vines cascading from high ledges in the new McMansions!
@HonnyBrown wrote:
I added watermelon and sweet basil to windowsill garden.
I don't have a mansion, but I do have a high shelf ledge by the front entrance hallway with long vines growing from it, LOL! It's not watermelon, though, it's pothos, which are ridiculously easy to grow.
@KathyG wrote:
At my old house the two-story foyer had one of those ledges above the door. I stuck a silk plant up there.
I don't have a mansion, but I do have a high shelf ledge by the front entrance hallway with long vines growing from it, LOL! It's not watermelon, though, it's pothos, which are ridiculously easy to grow.
@KathyG wrote:
I'm trying to figure out why Hotmail (AKA Outlook.com) isn't functioning on just my desktop computer. Works fine on the laptop, iPhone, and iPad.
Did it work before? Outlook is a part of Microsoft Office, you have that on your desktop?
@KathyG wrote:
I'm trying to figure out why Hotmail (AKA Outlook.com) isn't functioning on just my desktop computer. Works fine on the laptop, iPhone, and iPad.