What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Wait. There is a house, built in 1895, that has not been overly renovated? ??
This is the raw material of my dreams! Not so much for the budget... alas... perhaps someday...

Anyway, good luck with your upcoming move. I know you can do everything you need to do, including all the details of distancing. Pack some, rest some elsewhere while somebody else moves the packed stuff, rinse, repeat endlessly, or until it is finished...

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

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SEA when we moved into this house it still had LIVE gas pipes in the walls for gas lighting. We have done systems, plumbing, electrical, built a garage out back and renovated the porch which is now really fancy with black wrought iron around the balcony. But on the inside it still has all the horrid wallpaper. The kitchen and bathroom are done now thanks to the leaky disaster a couple of years ago but it's still not what you would call modern. It fits in with the rest of the house. I have determined that there is no light at the end of the tunnel here. I will never get to make it pretty. And if I do think I see a light at the end of the tunnel it's just a freight train coming our way. (to quote Metallica). The houses saving grace is that it's unique. And in the price range and neighborhood where we are the few buyers that are going to still be looking won't balk at the price. So many people fall in love with it when they first walk in that I'm pretty sure we can sell it. Then I can live in a regular ranch and use money to do something besides fix plumbing and stuff. Maybe a trip!
Doorknobs, light switches, all frequently touched surfaces... I do that when I go to hotels or resorts, been doing that for years. My family and friends mocked me for it. Suddenly it's become commonplace!
I redid my windowsill garden this morning. I planted asian basil, thyme, tomatoes, eggplant, spinach, sweet peppers, cilantro and sugar snaps. Before that, I went to Zoom church.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I drank coffee and cooked breakfast. That's about it so far. But breakfast was interesting. I made a hash with potatoes, onion, and garlic, then chopped up some deli turkey meat near the end because I need to use it up, and then heated some leftover steak tips from the filet mignon dinner we had the other night and a little brown gravy on the side. It came out really good. Hubby mixed all of his together.
Honny, do you put plastic wrap over your seed cups when you start them? It helps keep the moisture and heat in the soil which helps them sprout faster.
My boyfriend got word today that they want him to come back to work as early as next week. He works as a service advisor for a car dealership. I can't imagine too many people are going to be coming in for service at this time. He lives in a hot spot for the virus and he knows several people that become ill, three of them are on respirators and two of his coworkers had family that have died. I have been extremely careful since the beginning of this because I have a lung disease and he has been staying with me (2 hours away) because his father is elderly and absolutely terrified and hasn't left the house in over a month. With this scenario, he's either going to have to commute here every day and put me in jeopardy or live in the only part of his house that isn't accessible to his father..the garage. What a crappy situation for someone to be in when his job is incredibly non essential. If he doesn't go back to work, we lose our insurance and I'm not sure what they will do with unemployment if he refuses to go back to work.

Shopping the South Jersey Shore
Jenny shortly after the shops dried up, I went to Nissan to get a free oil change and car wash. The service center was packed. The showroom had no customers. The salesmen pounced on the customers waiting to have their cars serviced.

I hope your BF can find a middle ground.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Fitbit Premium is offering a 90-day free trial for their app. It can be used alone, or with a tracker. There are sections dealing with stress, sleep, mindfulness, exercise, etc. It also has guided workouts. I've been getting to know it today.
The ones that failed, I misted them daily. I will cover these.


Honny, do you put plastic wrap over your seed cups when you start them? It helps keep the moisture and heat in the soil which helps them sprout faster.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Thanks. I hope so too. The last week that he worked, they were sitting around twiddling their thumbs. He's anxious to get back to work, but not like this. Their base pay is awful, they make all their money on sales, so the fact that he won't be making any money and in the "line of fire" is what's extremely annoying, but he'll do what he has to.

Also, never heard of Asian basil. I wonder if it's like Thai basil, I love that stuff.

@HonnyBrown wrote:

Jenny shortly after the shops dried up, I went to Nissan to get a free oil change and car wash. The service center was packed. The showroom had no customers. The salesmen pounced on the customers waiting to have their cars serviced.

I hope your BF can find a middle ground.

Shopping the South Jersey Shore
I've had Thai basil in a stir fry in a restaurant. I don't remember the taste, so I wasn't impressed with it. If the Asian basil grows, I'll use it in the same stir fry and see how it turns out.

Also, it will be a diced chicken stir fry since I have so much chicken that I have to use.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Jenny-- does "service advisor for a car dealership" have to do with oil changes and repairs for cars? Cars that folks need to commute to jobs or grocery stores? His job IS essential. More so than toy stores that remain open because they sell some items that might be useful for homeschooling.

However he IS in a crappy situation.
Thai basil and Asian basil are the same plant. It might have been the other seasonings used with it in the dish you had at that restaurant. Sometimes it's something as simple as not enough salt or soy, or too much of that or something else (like lemongrass). I have faith you'll make it taste good.

@HonnyBrown wrote:

I've had Thai basil in a stir fry in a restaurant. I don't remember the taste, so I wasn't impressed with it. If the Asian basil grows, I'll use it in the same stir fry and see how it turns out.

Also, it will be a diced chicken stir fry since I have so much chicken that I have to use.
JAS, the dish is a simple stir fry. The Thai name is krapow. The recipe that I base mine on calls for Thai basil. It said if you don't have it, leave it out. So now, I have to know what this stuff tastes like. My ex and I went out for Thai and I ordered the dish. I liked the stir fry but the basil was not memorable.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Work, Father Brown (Kenneth More is perfect in the role!), fun workout, and no more than five little projects.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Do you think maybe the restaurant just didn't add enough of it to the dish?

@HonnyBrown wrote:

JAS, the dish is a simple stir fry. The Thai name is krapow. The recipe that I base mine on calls for Thai basil. It said if you don't have it, leave it out. So now, I have to know what this stuff tastes like. My ex and I went out for Thai and I ordered the dish. I liked the stir fry but the basil was not memorable.
This morning I went for a walk in my neighborhood. After tackling a hill, I removed my bandana from my face so I could breathe. I walked around the corner and was met with pollen and other allergens floating in the air. I came home after close to 5 miles, and put a chicken breast in the crock pot to shred later.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I am going to mow today. I was supposed to do it yesterday but it was cold. Today it's sunny and pleasant and I really need some sun. After that some sweeping of sidewalks and weed pulling should do me in.
After I return from my grocery store curbside pickup, I will go over to the place my sister is staying and we are going to take a long walk by the lake. It's really pretty outside. I think we get the same weather as you for the most part, CQ, only it might be a few degrees chillier up here. I am in NE Ohio, I think we are kinda right above you on about the same longitude line?

I've got too many onions in the window and my husband is going to till my garden bed and plant them. I am going to keep the lettuce growing in the window for awhile, though. No bugs can get it that way.
Well it sounds like we are both in the Ohio valley so we probably share a lot of weather. It really is a nice day today. I'm gonna go get out into it!
Yes, I suppose you are right about that, but like I said, they had a full crew there and were not getting any business. The employees aren't making any money and the people that were coming in were coming in for stuff that is not an immediate need. I understand that some may need oil changes and repairs, but they don't need a full crew there for that. The salespeople are not there and no cars are being sold.

@Rho* wrote:

Jenny-- does "service advisor for a car dealership" have to do with oil changes and repairs for cars? Cars that folks need to commute to jobs or grocery stores? His job IS essential. More so than toy stores that remain open because they sell some items that might be useful for homeschooling.

However he IS in a crappy situation.

Shopping the South Jersey Shore

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2020 05:28PM by Jenny Cassada.
Watched the movie, San Andreas (disaster earthquake movie with THe Rock), with my parents. It was fun.
I made my chicken salad and now I'm watching movies on OnDemand.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I am flopping in my fave granny gown. This... crud... came on suddenly yesterday. (I had it a few years ago, so it was not some oddball covid thing for anyone one to wonder about now). It is horrid, and ghastly, and stanky, and it took all night to get rid of the most wretched part of it. So the good news is:

1. I have another granny gown for later
2. The hubby is fetching the groceries
3. There were no assignments to cancel or postpone

So that is me. Tomorrow will be the usual: work, nap, and a project or three.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Today is porch cleanup and I'm getting a grocery delivery so it's grocery wipe down day as well. We will see what the rest of the day brings.
I'm sitting on the couch with the windows open trying to figure out my goals for the day.....

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Celebrating.... More than 3 weeks ago, I reported that one of the things that I had done was make several phone calls, stay on hold for several hours altogether, and finally succeed in making a formal, registered dispute filing with Citibank over its failure to deposit the $500 bonus for doing all of the required steps of moving a lot of $$$ to accounts there. This morning, the $500 deposit showed up! Once I tire of happy-dancing, it's back to earth and some kitchen clean-up, stoking the slow cooker to make pot roast, laundry and filing an amended tax return. (I am NOT perfect, but then, neither was Turbo tax's advice.)

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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