What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

CQ, I keep milk that's slightly soured to make homemade biscuits or pancakes with. It tastes fine and ups the nutritional content over using water.

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Thats a good idea. Ive been freezing a quart at a time for cooking with but dont want to eat up all my freezer space.


CQ, I keep milk that's slightly soured to make homemade biscuits or pancakes with. It tastes fine and ups the nutritional content over using water.
The sourdough starter I started last week died...it didn't rise after the last feeding and smelled awful. The whole thing got dumped down the sink.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Worked. Napped. Finished two projects.
This was perfect.

Ordered large supply of disposable face masks. *go me*
Forgot to order large supply of disposable gloves. *oops*
Still have some for daily job which can be used for IC gigs, so... *gives self 20 extra credit points*
This was pretty good.

To bring the day to a 93% average, I need to work out and clean something.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I went to the attic to find my seed starting trays. I went past the bedroom and the bed magically sucked me into it so I had no choice but to take a nap. I woke up and found the trays and the mix and am now back on course .
I use K-Cups as my seed starters. So far, they have been useless.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I dont have k cups so cant speak to that but arent they kind of small? Im using egg trays this year in addition to my trays. Also yogurt cups. My plan is to put clear plastic bins upside down over them to maximize the warmth and light in my sunroom.
They are deeper than an egg carton. The fit perfectly in my windowsill. I planted seeds in February. None of them have sprouted. Back to the drawing board!

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I went to the market this morning to get some bottled water. I stopped by the meat section to see what sales they were having. I bought 14 pounds of boneless, skinless chicken breasts for $8 and some change!

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Hi gang, I've missed you all and am trying to catch up on everything. My boyfriend and I are both out of work completely so instead of the normal 2 days a week that I normally see him, he has decided to stay out the quarantine here instead of where he lives in the hotbed of NYC burbs. This has been an interesting experiment lol. He had to go back up to get his medicine today and I'm so grateful for the 6 hours of peace and freedom that I'll havesmiling smiley I've binge watched every episode of my favorite cooking/travel shows and have completely filled up my garden tower with seedlings or full plants and I'm super excited about it.
I'm just so ready to get back to work, as I'm sure most of you are as well.

Belated Congrats and woohoo to Honny. And thanks JAS for checking in on me.

Shopping the South Jersey Shore
@HonnyBrown: Good job! On my "best" days, I boil the boneless chicken breasts and add something good for me to them. The rest of the time... You will find many uses for them.

@JennyCassada: Welcome back! smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2020 03:48PM by Shop-et-al.
I like to make a lemon almond chicken salad with boiled chicken breast meat, chopped green onion, celery, etc. There are tons of things you can do with chicken. Homemade pot pies, basic soup, chicken and dumplings (need chicken stock though) and so much more!
Good to hear from you Jenny! I know I am not the only one who was wondering where you were smiling smiley
It was probably the seeds.

@HonnyBrown wrote:

They are deeper than an egg carton. The fit perfectly in my windowsill. I planted seeds in February. None of them have sprouted. Back to the drawing board!
Today I'm finishing taking stuff to the attic to get the sunroom (which I had put some stuff in to avoid climbing the attic stairs) ready to be my plant room. Then I just have to vacuum it and toss some old papers that are in there. I have a shelf that will be perfect and there is already a glass topped desk and a sink. It doesn't drain but I'll put a plastic dishwashing bin in it. The water does work so it's going to be very functional for the most part. Then I can start my seeds which just arrived yesterday.
I am still working, but no mystery shopping. I guess tax preparation is considered essential. My boss is allowing me to work extra hours to make up for the lost income. He is aware of my mystery shopping gig. He applied and received the PPP loan so it's a win-win. He is the best boss I've ever had. I feel so fortunate with a slight dose of guilt because of the terrible circumstances for so many. It's truly surreal. I only working around 55 hours a week now so this is a break for me. This is unprecedented and uncharted territory for all.
Jenny thank you and welcome back!!!!!

SEL and JAS, the chicken was sold in a bulk package. I didn't realize they were whole breasts until I got them home. I cut them in half, bagged them individually and crammed them in the freezer. There is no more empty space in the freezer.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Well, there are at least 365 ways to deal with that chicken with or without the bone (I know this because I have a chicken cookbook that blares this news in its title.)

@cjbstar: I have not finished my portion of tax prep. I am embarrassed and grateful because you and your wonderful colleagues can fit people like me into your schedules sometime between now and July 15... smiling smiley

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Remember when snow day was fun? You could stay indoors, or play outdoors, or do some of each. Now, stay home and shelter in place orders have taken all the fun out of snow day. We MUST stay indoors or risk disease, police action, or shaming.

As far as I can tell, this is snow day. We are snowed in and this should be fun! Unless work supplies arrived awhile ago, they will not be able to get here until the roads open. But I am awake and rarin' to go. Think I will start with a cuppa and a little workout.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I dont stay indoors and my neighborhood is full of people walking dogs and chatting six feet apart. Everyone is doing spring cleanup outside. Who said you cant go outside?
I would love to get some outside work done. However, it's been snowing here the last few days. Crazy!

Work. Wear the smaller pants (yay!) and sort socks (yawn).

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Going for a hike this morning. My partner and I are doing a new trail.

I woke up this morning wanting chicken and mushrooms. I couldn't find the celery in my fridge. I never put it away. The carrots and celery were behind the water container, so I didn't see it. Thankfully, they were still good.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
The hike didn't happen due to my hiking partner not feeling well. Since the trail was new to both of us, she wasn't going to bring her dogs.

Last night my book club did a Zoom Happy Hour.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
All of our parks, trails, beaches and boardwalks are closed, so not a lot of places to walk. There aren't a lot of roads to walk on, our island is only 5 blocks wide and there's so much construction, walking the neighborhood isn't easy. The main street that goes by my house has been under construction for over a month and since they start at 7:00 and continue through early evening. Besides my jerk downstairs neighbors that play video games all day so loud that I can hear and feel it on my floor, it's the most infuriating thing of being stuck at home.
The best thing about being stuck at home is that my garden is the best looking it's ever been and my garden tower is brimming with new blooms. My blueberry bush is fruiting for the first time in 2 years and I'm super excited about that!

Shopping the South Jersey Shore
Congrats on your garden Jenny! Im pretty excited about having time to garden.
Today I have a large grocery pickup which means spending a few hours wiping everything down really well. Some stuff I actually put in the sink and wash. I leave everything I don't need right away in my trunk for 4 days. I've been keeping ahead of things like dog food and canned and boxed goods so that I wont need them. If I've done a good job of that I should only need to bring in cold items.
I just placed my curbside pickup for Monday. Really the only thing I needed was fresh produce, but this store had the bacon on sale for $2.88 lb and skinless boneless chk br for $1.88 lb, so I added several of those to my list. For the pickup to be free it has to be $35 or more.
For some reason at my local stores Kroger is scheduled a minimum of a week out while Walmart is typically 2 days. I have been trying to go 2 weeks between orders to minimize exposure but severely missing fresh produce. I might move to twice a week at walmart. The health benefits of lots of fresh produce really cant be overstated.
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