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@HonnyBrown wrote:

So is calling it "mystery meat." It's SPices and hAM!
We grew up rather poor, my mom taking care of 4 kids. She would buy some Spam, grind it up in one of those old, heavy metal meat grinders (of which I still have!!!), and grind up some kosher dill pickles in with it. Then she'd add just the right amount of mayo, and voila!! What she would call "spiced ham sandwiches". I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED those things growing up!! I took a lot of them to school with me for my lunches over the years. Once in a blue moon now, I'll have a hankering to have some, and out comes the old heavy metal grinder...!! Memories!
I'm doing homework today and tomorrow. Next week I turn in my final, and that will be it for school...YAY!!!!

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I bought my husband a lifetime subscription to Rosetta Stone for Spanish. Turns out more than one person in the household can use it, so I am going to start working with it soon and improve my Spanish (I can get by when visiting Mexico but not much in the way of conversation). Also they sent us an email that we got a free upgrade to multiple languages, so when I get done with Spanish I will learn another language. Maybe I will brush up on my high school French.

Doing laundry and drinking coffee right now.
Mid-afternoon I'm going to venture out of the house to take a walk. (It's in the upper 30s, so it may be a very short walk.) Hubby and I will figure out which drive-through food we want for dinner and purchase it. Thinking of setting the table with china and silver, just because.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Laundry, kitchen stuff, and an archaeological dig of my desk!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
A cheese grater works. I used to do that with cans of corned beef. Yummy!

@guysmom wrote:

@HonnyBrown wrote:

So is calling it "mystery meat." It's SPices and hAM!
We grew up rather poor, my mom taking care of 4 kids. She would buy some Spam, grind it up in one of those old, heavy metal meat grinders (of which I still have!!!), and grind up some kosher dill pickles in with it. Then she'd add just the right amount of mayo, and voila!! What she would call "spiced ham sandwiches". I absolutely LOVED LOVED LOVED those things growing up!! I took a lot of them to school with me for my lunches over the years. Once in a blue moon now, I'll have a hankering to have some, and out comes the old heavy metal grinder...!! Memories!
I went to work, as usual. Doing laundry and later tonight, I will get out the blackjack felt and deal to a table of 3 players. I'm kind of wishing that I had bought that craps table instead of the dining room table now.

JAS- I would recommend French and Italian as well. Once you speak one of them, they are all pretty easy. Portuguese is a bit harder in my opinion.
Italian should be pretty easy, some of my husband's family aer Italian and some of them go over to Italy on a regular basis...I could practice with his aunts and cousins who speak it very well.
Do they have family over there affected by the virus? Although, who's not over there. From the reports on TV it's everywhere. Anyway, best wishes to them.


Italian should be pretty easy, some of my husband's family aer Italian and some of them go over to Italy on a regular basis...I could practice with his aunts and cousins who speak it very well.

Luckily no one is sick yet as far as I know, plenty of family over there, all quarantined but so far not ill (keeping fingers crossed).
Tried to have a five-way FaceTime call with family tonight, and figured out both my iPad and iPhone are too old to support the function.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
As many people as are using it, that company must be making a ton of money.
@CoffeeQueen wrote:

Zoom works on iPad. As far as I know it is functional on all platforms.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
The barley came out so good! I forgot the mushrooms and rosemary.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
I'm seriously considering cutting my own hair. I hate having all this hair. I only see someone quickly if I pick up groceries or zoom our spiritual meetings during which I could put on a beanie or something LOL. The question is, should I just buzz it all off with the clippers or attempt an actual haircut? Hmmm. I"ll watch some youtube videos first.
I'm making soup in the crock pot (Vegetable beef) and will mop some floors after watching videos.
lol, CoffeeQueen! :grinning smiley I remember many occasions over the years when I walked into a salon, clutched my mane and mewled, "Please deal with this before I shave my head". Eventually, I learned to wait. In thy patience, possesseth thee thy long hair... or something like that... Anyway, I am changing laundry loads and packing storage boxes in between showings of old flicks and movies. I need to order a soak-off nail kit and a few other goodies from a beauty supply store.( I decided to stay out of salons and upgrade my tools.)

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Would a food processor work?
I'm sure it would, JAS. But to me, there's nothing like bringing back memories and turning the food into "comfort food" by using the old heavy grinder!
Cleaning the pantry and laundry. Doing a Sonic tomorrow during lunch, probably last shop this month. It is minimal contact. It is wonderfully weird to have extra time until I think about the budget. April is covered, but I will have to get creative for May.
I have been eating and lazing around in my pajamas all day. I showered and put a fresh pair of pjs on after breakfast. I did manage to get some more laundry done.
Downloading and installing AVG software for virus protection and computer maintenance. In the midst of that I tried to call their help line. They are closed due to the lock down in California. Fortunately, I managed to untangle the knot that I had tied and get both programs up and running.

Making a fresh batch of yellow rice. Laundry. Tidying. Napping.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Watched our pastor say Mass online this morning. Before we start sheltering in place tomorrow morning I made a swing by Fresh Thyme and the local Asian market for produce. We actually had a half hour of flurries- fat snowflakes that pretty much melted on contact.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
By me those fat snowflakes were fast and furious enough for a couple hours to accumulate on the grass. The temperature remained high enough to melt them quickly after it stopped. Isn't it amazing what a difference several miles make in this area?

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
I also did church online. I cooked sausage and peppers for lunch and a veggie omelet for dinner.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
It has been snowing since noon. I cooked and cleaned the whole day. Lot of homeschooling these days. BTW, I loved watching W.E. on Netflix. Has anyone seen the movie?
I cancelled Netflix over a year ago. I had the streaming service since I don't have a DVD player. I would only be able to access it on one device unless I paid more. With Amazon Prime Video, I can access it on both TVs and my tablets for no additional cost.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Early job, oodles of little projects, and new-to-me workout.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
2 almost-no-contact parking shops, then on-line census form for the whole household (conferring with 2 housemates via email for their details), straightening out 2 incorrect billings with 2 different merchants, bathroom clean-up. If I get really ambitious, sorting and filing more of the desk mess.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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