What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

Yes, it does sound like your plant is done for. So sorry, I was hoping for better news.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.

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I pinched one of the mushy leaves, and it fell off the stem. I'll use the pot for a nice ivy plant I got during a shop.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2019 10:22AM by HonnyBrown.
So y'all are having intense good/bad/hopeful news this week! Hoping that everyone's world remains or becomes calibrated for goodness... Between merches, I will pick up what I need for Whole30 compliance. I need to continue this beyond my initial 30 days. The hubby thinks that we can just go out for Thanksgiving and get what we are supposed to eat. bwahaha! I will make some of his faves with modified recipes and-- most important-- known ingredients. This will keep him compliant with his new eating needs. My food will be basic versions of his new recipes. Easy! Boring! But think of new, smaller pants!

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I'm so sorry for your loss's, especially about your son...my wishes for a better 2020 and stay strong.

Live consciously....
In the past 24 hours we had our buyers back out of the house sale contract (one of the couple was self-employed, lost a couple of clients, and they can no longer qualify for the loan they needed) and found out that one of our cats needed to be put to sleep. We brought him home with pain meds so everyone could say their goodbyes. I have an appointment at 3:00 this afternoon.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/2019 04:49PM by KathyG.
So sorry to hear that, KathyG. Glad you have a chance to say goodbye to your furbaby, though.
My daughter also lost her cat of 13 years a few months ago, first time I heard her cry, she had a tumor, and I know losing a pet is difficult...Kathy, sorry about the house, I'm going through the same thing.

Live consciously....
Stormraven, I had no idea. I am so sorry to hear about your son (and everything else). My deepest condolences.
Storm, I also had no idea of all you have been through. My deepest and sincerest hugs and sympathies to you. Hope everything gets settled soon. So sorry for the loss of your son.
Storm, this is devastating. So many things back to back. Will your insurance cover the electrical work?

@stormraven73 wrote:

Today is day 7 of cleanup after the fire. We are back in the house, but until we can afford remodel permits we are at a standstill. The gas company at least is coming out today so we can have hot water, but no furnace (electric fan/thermostat). We remain on generator power until we can afford to have the electrician rewire pretty much the whole house. Even though only one 20A circuit was involved, the old wiring here is no longer up to code, so we will have to update much of it before passing inspection. My $100 repair has now become a $1000 nightmare.

Since we already spent our savings on my son's funneral last month, we are just going to have to scrimp and save again. Our roommates are no help--one lost his job and the other had her hours cut, both within the last 2 months. They are both disabled, and can't help with the cleanup, either.

Oh yes, and my car was stolen a few weeks ago. We got it back, but they tore up the driver door and damaged the tranny. It's driveable, but will need work soon. That's what our savings was *supposed* to pay for.

The good news? The fire department did save the house, and no one was hurt. I have gotten several requests to speak about mental health and suicide, and we did get the car back. Tomorrow I am volunteering at a local community center to give out Thanksgiving baskets, and will see a friend I haven't seen since high school. He's a survivor, too. He came back from drugs and gangs to become a prominent local minister. It will be good for my aching heart to spend time with him.

I want to send a special shout-out to the American Red Cross, who kindly bought us a generator, gloves and masks for cleanup, and replaced our damaged meds. I also didn't know until this happened that our local disaster rep was my neighbor. So I made a new friend. Thank you, Linda.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
My sister's husband is in the US for the first time. My husband took a day off today and is showing him around. They both left for downtown and won't be back till later in the evening. My Disney shops are coming in handy now. Lots of toys and dolls for my niece back home.
@stormraven73. My deepest condolences. Stay strong. Sending you love, hugs and prayers.
Sounds like a great time for your family. Where is you sister's husband from? What did/does he most want to see?

I remember, as a teen, being amazed that our visitors from other lands wanted to see Milwaukee's huge manufacturers of tractors and generators, not our "world famous" breweries, lol. But, because of their wishes, I got to tour (pre-Osha) the smelters and pouring/mold areas of Allis Chalmers (makers of large ag equipment... tractors, combines, etc) and to tour a huge power station in a dam that was under construction to watch a generator being installed by crane. Like many folks in that area, at that time, we had neighbors (skilled tool and die makers, for instance) who worked in places where they could actually arrange small, private tours.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
@walesmaven.. My sister and her husband are based in London. He wants to see the Millenium Bean and the Magnificent Mile. If time permits, my husband will take him on the Architectural Tour today. He was here for a business conference in Virginia. He came to Chicago to visit us and would be leaving tomorrow. My other sister and her husband also stayed in US for a project for a few years but went back a couple of years ago. We had the best time together when they were in Ohio and California. My sisters and their husbands want to stay closer to home and family. They never thought of settling down here like we did.
Millennium BEAN ??? Did I miss something?

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Do you need anything broken? If so, I'm your girl. So far today I've messed up logging into websites (but I'm blaming my password manager for this one-it didn't seem to save the newest ones correctly). I ran the lawn mower over the leaves and nicked the blade on a rock. Ran out of gas, so went to the station with my trusty red can to get some more. The auto-stop mechanism on the pump malfunctioned. When I took the nozzle out gas sprayed all over me, the ground, and the car.

Now I'm sitting at my kitchen desk afraid to tackle any other projects. Who knows what might happen?

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Taking a short nap. Then, roasting some turkey wings to provide drippings to start a base for my Thanksgiving gravy. Will have some of the meat for supper and freeze the bones to use in soup. Will freeze the base/starter also. Some laundry may happen.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2019 07:35PM by walesmaven.
Since the subject moved to food, I'm in....making cranberry sauce and having it with my chicken sandwich on a fabulous bread/roll I bought. Just tried some, very good, I use less sugar and more fresh orange juice.
Making a tortilla soup later for the next couple days, our weather turned and sprinkles today with cool weather.
Baked some overdone chocolate cookies yesterday, and since I'm on a low sugar diet, added cranberries and turned out fine, good for dipping into my almond milk. Will stay home now, have stuff to do including talking with my Broker....disclose everything is a PITA, took two hours yesterday to answer questions.

Live consciously....
We have a house showing tonight right in the middle of the dinner hour, so I made a frittata for us to take and eat in the car while we kill time.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Whew. All November Merch is completed and I can focus on something else. The Inner Perfectionist Demands Hausfrau Tasks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The rest of me wants peppermint tea and to try an allegedly good for me shaving cream. First, we have to get through rush hour traffic in an actual big city. I am indescribably thrilled that I live in small town America and can see space between towns. The hubby might be a little more ecstatic than that...

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2019 12:32AM by Shop-et-al.
Today I am reflecting on what happened at yesterday's Allergist's appointment when I was tested to see if I could get on a new pill for dust that has now become Insured. I was tested four years ago and told I was allergic to dust and have been on allergy drops and pills for four years, and the cost has added up, plus I'd gotten severe dry eye from these drops and not gotten better. The test yesterday showed I am only 5% allergic to dust and not in need of the pill nor drops (which cost me 25.00 every two weeks) same as four years ago, I have the papers. I was diagnosed wrongly, and got this dry eye due to the drops who the Dr. said does cause dry eye. What does one do, let it go, or sue?

Live consciously....
They dropped here to ,49 per pound, I'll pick up a 12 pound tomorrow.

Live consciously....
My freezer is packed, so maybe when I get back they won't be off much more than that? I love turkey anytime of year.

My freezer is packed, so maybe when I get back they won't be off much more than that? I love turkey anytime of year.
Turkey sandwich's my fav....

Live consciously....
@CoffeeQueen, I love Clarks, too!

I got a wonderfully luxurious and aesthetically beautiful pair of winter boots at Clarks two years ago. I really only buy shoes there ONCE IN A WHILE because they are so pricey....but you truly get what you pay for and they are COMFY!

Today....since it's 1am, today/tomorrow....NOBODY has ANYTHING to do after noon! This is a once in a blue moon occurrence for me, with my house full and all their activities! So at noon, I'm going to take a bath; stay IN THE HOUSE; relax; cook/bake; prepare lessons; take a nap; wash out the fridge; vacuum the stairs; get the kids to do various chores and spruce things up!....and ENJOY being a home body for one afternoon/evening. Aaaaahhhh
People buy turkeys this time of year? There are so many freebies around. I got a Thanksgiving basket from my church: a turkey and all the fixins.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
@HonnyBrown Thank you, and no, the cost is well below our deductible. The real issue is that we have since discovered a half-dozen maintenance items which must also be fixed before inspection. Since they are neglected maintenance, they also are not covered.

Normally I could cover those costs within a few weeks, but as I said I was about to buy a new vehicle. My old one had an engine fire, and the 94 Jeep I pulled out of mothballs is the one that got stolen. It's having starter issues as well as the theft damage.

Basically I can either fix the house or buy a car next week. I think we will have to stick with the generator for now, and get the vehicle. If the Jeep were to completely die, I would not be able to work.
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