What are you doing today? (besides shopping)

I tracked down my second dose of shingles vaccine today :-)

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt

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Still processing the book I selected randomly the other day. Well written! Characters so real that I think I know some of them... Based upon publication date and timing of crazy events, someone might have used events in this book as a blueprint for their nutty endeavors... eep!

So I promised myself a treat: if I complete five designated projects today, I can take the day off tomorrow and lollygag. Will I go to museums, botanic gardens, trails, or libraries? Will I flop on the porch? Will I do something about the project-ravaged nails? I dunno. Whatever it is, it will be perfect for tomorrow.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/2019 05:52PM by Shop-et-al.
Went to Sprouts and found some great buys, home waiting for the gas man to check my stove and happy as I received a nice sizable amount in my account due to keeping gas low and not over using. Haven't had to use heat since last summer. Will be waiting from noon to 5:00...ugh!!

Live consciously....
I had a home improvement shop today and I saw some beautiful plants out there. Got a bag of potting soil and a whole variety of garden ready flower plants.
Well, here I sit in the ER, waiting to have a CAT scan to see if I have appendicitis! Pain started last night about 10 pm. Dr all booked up. Went to urgent care and they said I'm so tender I need to go to ER! So here I sit, with hubby by my side, in pain, and just biding my time!
@guysmom..Oh, I hope you will be ok. I had a sever pain like this and went to the doctor. Thankfully, it turned out to be nothing. I hope that's your case. Best of luck!
Guysmom, you are in my prayers! I hope all goes well.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
Well, CT scan shows an inflamed appendix, which is what I suspected! Still in ER waiting for a bed to become available. Surgery probably tomorrow, haven't seen the surgeon yet.
I wish you the best!

Try to think positive: You are now excused from all household chores for the time being and can, free from all guilt, spend as much time posting on the mystery shop forum as you like! Just think: If you take enough pain medication, you could have some epic posts on this forum.

@guysmom wrote:

Well, CT scan shows an inflamed appendix, which is what I suspected! Still in ER waiting for a bed to become available. Surgery probably tomorrow, haven't seen the surgeon yet.

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
Guysmom So sorry to hear this hosptails are not the nicest place to be but I will pray the docotors and nurse involed with your case to the best for you . Please keep us in the kown
Guysmom...Good luck, we don't need our appendix, best to get it out and recover quickly.

Live consciously....
Guysmom, I'll echo what everyone else has said. Quick healing to you!

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Shingles vaccine has thrown me for a loop! In addition to a sore arm, I have a headache, muscle aches, and chills. Managed to do my auto dealer shop, but putting together a coherent sentence was a challenge. Everyone says symptoms only last a couple of days. Hope they're right.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Said prayers for the assorted issues. Hoping that everyone will feel better and stay safe!

While waiting for the early job, I started another book and played on the forum. We should be starting now. I am playing on the forum. Fortunately, the only planned extra work is merch with an app. Yesterday, I said that I would take the day off today. Well, merch with an app does not seem like work, so I kept that on the schedule. While I am there, I am near several fave places. I still have the day off, sort of, and I might just play after my merch with app/technically work.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2019 06:49PM by Shop-et-al.
Guysmom, best wishes. I am very familiar with that pain, and it's awful.

I sandbagged the house before leaving on an overnight route. Just a precaution, but the river is already within a couple of feet of our "100 year flood" in '86, and it was raining again when I left.
When I had my appendix out I felt better post-op and throughout the recovery than I had in several days before. I was almost laughing when I woke up completely from the anesthesia and realized that the pain was gone.
And, no, that was not "just the meds" happening. Hoping that your experience is the same.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I"m crossing my fingers for everyone dealing with flooding and bad weather and Guysmom I hope you feel better ASAP.

I spent yesterday cleaning out the fridge, a job that had been waiting on me for longer than it should have due to my obsession with squeezing every last mystery shopping dollar I could get out of my surrounding area. It is finally accomplished. I made a pitcher of cucumber water which I love. I like to add a can of seltzer water to it as it gives it just a little carbonation, just enough. Today I will clean both bathrooms and change sheets on the beds. Do laundry (I do 1-2 loads daily) and vacuum. Then I plan to make beef enchiladas with red sauce.

I'm pretty sure once I get all that done I'm just going to flop on the bed and listen to podcasts or watch movies with the wife.
Coffee first then trip to Best Buy to adjust camera, maybe mall. Supposed to rain lightly tomorrow, but today sun is out. Trip up the back road to fruit stand for strawberries, freshly grown in Oxnard. Home for a movie and a bit of cooking homemade chicken taco's, bought fresh corn, and speaking/skyping with daughter. We had our 64th high school reunion at Krug's winery last weekend in Sonoma, Krug's son went to school with us and is now running the winery, so class took it over. and a good friend from high school was a singer, she made a video of a tribute to her late husband singing "The very thought of you". I was sent it, will watch it again, brings back such great memories....along with daughters" Mother's Day" video/ movie on "Special Agent Irene McQueen" an expert in disguise (as she calls me), so funny....that's my day.

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2019 03:32PM by Irene_L.A..
I was so happy to see the sun this morning but it not going to last . The city where I live has lost one home due to the flooding so I know we are blessed. We had to take our son to work , he works from 9.30 Am until nidnight tonight and the same tomorrow. I also hopefully will watch both the men and the ladies OSU baseball teams win their games today
So it turns out I'm part of the 5% of people who get a significant reaction to the Shingrix vaccine. Today's joy was a torso rash to go along with the lethargy and chills. At least all the issues have been annoying, not life threatening, and from what I've heard having an actual case of shingles is WAY worse.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
KathyG...yes, my cousin had shingles and it was horrible and lasted forever. I have heard of people getting your reaction. I have not gotten a shingles vaccine due to side effects, and not a large % actually get shingles.

Live consciously....
I had my appendix burst when I was 16 and home alone...can't remember how I got to Dr., but the pain was horrific and after, what a relief and I've never missed having it gone.

Live consciously....
Well, here I am, resting quietly on the bed in the ER last night, when at 9:45, I'm approached by this nurse who says she's from Pre-Op! I'm like....wait....what???? Pre-Op??? She said yes, the surgeon had come over to this campus hospital from its sister campus across town, and was ready to do the surgery!! I'm like....at night???? Yup. So, down to Pre-Op I go...Now, mind you, I sent hubby home about 8:15, because we had heard NOTHING about when I would be admitted or when the surgery would be. So now, we get down to Pre-Op by 10 pm, and they say, well, you probably want to call your husband to come be here with you, right? And I'm like....NOoooooo.... the man is 77 years old, wears hearing aids, and was going to get into bed by 9 pm, hearing aids OUT! And with no hearing aids, he wouldn't hear the landline, and he shuts his cell off when he goes to bed. So, they're like, OK, we'll call your son in NC instead, and let him know how the surgery went. Worked for me!! Anyhow, the surgery started around 10:30, and lasted about an hour. Then I was in recovery for a while. And YES, Wales, it felt SO GOOD not to have that pain!!! It was done via

The surgeon came in this morning around 11, and I asked him how the appendix looked. He said, "It was real gnarly, and would have burst in another day or two." PHEW!! So glad I listened to that inner voice telling me something just wasn't right!! Plus, the pain in the ER got so much worse, I KNEW I was in the right place!!! Anyhow, by the time the discharge nurse got to me, it was about 3:15 pm, and now, here I am, at 4:20 pm, AT HOME!! YAY!! With 3 small abdominal incisions. Have to see the doctor in 2 weeks for post-op visit. And NO LIFTING anything MORE THAN 9 pounds for several weeks!! Hubby will run the vacuum for me (he's sweet!!), but I can sweep and it will be me cleaning the 2 commodes--you can count on that!!!!

So I didn't need any pain meds in the hospital, but have taken a Tylenol when I got home. They gave me a prescription for Tylenol w/Codeine, but I haven't filled it yet....don't think I will need it. We'll see.

So that's my adventure for this Holiday Weekend!!! Hope all of yours was better!!!

ETA: Oh, BTW, he told me they sent the appendix down to pathology...apparently that is routine to do. I told him I was very glad of that, especially with my history of breast cancer. Hopefully it was just a case of appendicitis!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2019 08:29PM by guysmom.
Glad to hear that all is well. Had no idea that they could do such a non-intrusive procedure these days. What a great development.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
The shingles vaccine is in very short supply. I have been on the waiting list for over a year.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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