Well, here I am, resting quietly on the bed in the ER last night, when at 9:45, I'm approached by this nurse who says she's from Pre-Op! I'm like....wait....what???? Pre-Op??? She said yes, the surgeon had come over to this campus hospital from its sister campus across town, and was ready to do the surgery!! I'm like....at night???? Yup. So, down to Pre-Op I go...Now, mind you, I sent hubby home about 8:15, because we had heard NOTHING about when I would be admitted or when the surgery would be. So now, we get down to Pre-Op by 10 pm, and they say, well, you probably want to call your husband to come be here with you, right? And I'm like....NOoooooo.... the man is 77 years old, wears hearing aids, and was going to get into bed by 9 pm, hearing aids OUT! And with no hearing aids, he wouldn't hear the landline, and he shuts his cell off when he goes to bed. So, they're like, OK, we'll call your son in NC instead, and let him know how the surgery went. Worked for me!! Anyhow, the surgery started around 10:30, and lasted about an hour. Then I was in recovery for a while. And YES, Wales, it felt SO GOOD not to have that pain!!! It was done via
The surgeon came in this morning around 11, and I asked him how the appendix looked. He said, "It was real gnarly, and would have burst in another day or two." PHEW!! So glad I listened to that inner voice telling me something just wasn't right!! Plus, the pain in the ER got so much worse, I KNEW I was in the right place!!! Anyhow, by the time the discharge nurse got to me, it was about 3:15 pm, and now, here I am, at 4:20 pm, AT HOME!! YAY!! With 3 small abdominal incisions. Have to see the doctor in 2 weeks for post-op visit. And NO LIFTING anything MORE THAN 9 pounds for several weeks!! Hubby will run the vacuum for me (he's sweet!!), but I can sweep and it will be me cleaning the 2 commodes--you can count on that!!!!
So I didn't need any pain meds in the hospital, but have taken a Tylenol when I got home. They gave me a prescription for Tylenol w/Codeine, but I haven't filled it yet....don't think I will need it. We'll see.
So that's my adventure for this Holiday Weekend!!! Hope all of yours was better!!!
ETA: Oh, BTW, he told me they sent the appendix down to pathology...apparently that is routine to do. I told him I was very glad of that, especially with my history of breast cancer. Hopefully it was just a case of appendicitis!!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2019 08:29PM by guysmom.