The early job is not happening, again. No one was available to fill in for us. The good news is that it is certain that the better vehicle is a goner. The engine repair cost exceeds the resale value. It is a relief to know this. We can act accordingly and focus on the other vehicle. If all goes well, the other vehicle will have a better prognosis and will last for a few more months. We do not want to purchase another vehicle at this time. (If we must do that, we can. But we do not want to do that!) I cancelled two assignments and cannot schedule more until this vehicle situation is resolved. The scheduler is lovely, and I hope that other shoppers already have picked up the shops that I had planned to complete.
In better news, I have used the available time well. I completed twenty little projects, read some of two interesting books, and got enough sleep. If I can drag myself away from the computer, I can finish more little projects today.
So I am still online, but look at what I found. I found a great little comment from Michelle Obama that is perfect for a siggy. Mind you, it is too late to reform me and mold me into such a student soul, but it is not too late for today's younsters...
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2019 03:39PM by Shop-et-al.