So yesterday I opened up a roadshow at a Sam's Club, a very well paying event. Went in at 6 a.m. and left at 4 p.m., dog tired at the end of the day but boy am I going to have a great paycheck when this is all over! There is another lady who works for this company who was supposed to work today and tomorrow. I was told she has to drive about 30 miles when it's half that distance for me, so yesterday when I was done with my shift I emailed the two supervisors in charge of this project and told them I could work today if they needed me to but that I needed to know right away as I was going to pick up other work for today otherwise. I already have another demo tomorrow so can't work Sunday. They responded no, you are off until Monday, have a good weekend. I applied for some bonused shops for today and went to bed. Apparently after I went to sleep, this other demo person (who had gotten my number from them) called and left me a voice message which I didn't hear because I was asleep. She said on the voice mail that she had a family emergency and could not work today (supposed to be at the club by 10:30 a.m. and work til 7:30). I didn't check my phone this morning when I got up so I didn't know, but checked my email and I had been awarded the bonused shops. The woman called again this morning at 9 a.m. and I was in the kitchen getting coffee and didn't hear my phone. She called again around 9:15 and I answered. She coughed and faked a hoarse voice and said who she was and that she couldn't make it in because she was very sick, asking if I could work today. Her voice fluctuated between normal sounding and fake hoarseness (I raised 3 girls, I can tell when someone is faking it). I told her I had other work today and that she should have given me more notice, and the idiot said, "Yeah I have other work today too, and I have the flu, and I did try to call you last night." I asked her why she was going to do other work if she had the flu, and why she had picked up other work if she had already been scheduled for the demo event? She hemmed and hawed and said no the work was for next week. I said, "Well that's not what you just told me. But at any rate, no, I can't go in for you. Sorry." After we hung up I listened to my voice mail and her message from late last night (almost midnight) where she sounded fine and the second one this morning where she left a fake sick voice right before I talked to her. A little bit later when I was drying my hair, I got another voice mail from one of my supervisors asking if I could make the demo today because the other gal is sick. I emailed her and the other supervisor explaining I had already picked up work since they had told me yesterday I wasn't needed and that I would go in Monday as scheduled.
So, should I tell the demo supervisors that last night the other person left a message at almost midnight with a perfectly fine sounding voice and then this morning faked a cough and sore throat and also said she had another job to do today? I am pissed off that this woman who I don't even know lied to me and tried to get me to cover her shift, and feel like my supervisors (new company for me) deserve to know.
Okay, on my way to do these shops. Over and out.