What are you doing today? (besides shopping)


I am going to take a paint chip from the accent wall in the dining room and go get paint to touch up the wall, then cleaning bathrooms. That's probably about it.

Is this for a mystery shop?

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

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Preparing the short term house-sharing agreement for the visiting scholar. Making homemade Mu Shu pork. The park loin, with seasonings, was in the slow cooker overnight. Now I need to just saute the chopped veggies, blend those with the shredded pork and let the flavors mingle for a few hours. In hot weather, this actually makes a really good cold supper. In the winter, I would probably have it hot. Either way, delish!

Also paying a few bills, looking at the mid-month status of my budget, daydreaming about taking a transcontinental train trip (with a bedroom) next spring and figuring out how much will be covered by my Amtak rewards points.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
No, I won't touch one of those cheap paint shops. And I wish there was a mystery shop involving someone else cleaning my bathrooms.
This morning we'll go to church, then tonight we have a friend coming over for dinner.
Just checking. grinning smiley

About the bathrooms... here is a little tip from merchandising world. You can use baby wipes, preferably unscented ones, to loosen crud. Place the wipes where needed and let them do their work (whatever that is) for a few seconds. That crud should become easy to wipe up. If this task is easier for you, then your bathroom cleaning job is easier in at least one way. If only I could persuade or convince the hubby that this is a good way to work. Then, he might clean the bathroom more often. (It's one of his jobs.)

Anyway, I am contemplating the meaning of life and a better world in which there is more porch time. For better or worse, an upcoming project was cancelled. For me, this is a blessing in that I will have more time for me and my world. I hope that others who were scheduled for one or more locations can replace the work, if they need to have more revenue. Anyway, imho the client has made a brilliant change here. Location staff will perform jobs that we used to do. I presume that the first task will be audited surreptitiously by mystery shoppers or during revealed audits. It means less work for us (unless we also work with the MSC that handles the client's shops and audits). Hopefully, it will result in more localized work and less costly work that the client must fund. Could the client ever pass along cost savings to us in the form of lower prices at the fuel pump? (Yeah, yeah. Dream on.) Or, if this means a little extra work in the mystery shops or audits, can the client pay a little more in the fees? (Yeah, yeah. Dream on.)

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I actually don't have any crud in my bathrooms, thank goodness, other than toothpaste in my husband's sink in the master bathroom. No baby wipes in our household and I can't see buying them just to loosen his toothpaste, but thank you for the tip. I just spray it with bleach cleaner and scrub it with the old kitchen sponge that I change out once a week and toss. My cleaning time in the bathroom is short. It mostly involves scrubbing the toilets and wiping the counters with Lysol wipes. I spray scrubbing bubbles in the shower on the tile walls then rinse. I do get a little residue in the jet spouts in the tub but white vinegar seems to fix that. We don't use the Jacuzzi much until Fall and Winter. I will throw the bathroom rugs in the wash, vacuum (my long hair does get everywhere) and then I do a quick mop job. Doesn't take too long, really.

My grocery reset for next week got canceled, but I will try to use that time to paint that wall and I also need to unpack and wash my mother's china that I inherited when she passed away. It's been in boxes since she died in 2015 and I haven't been able to handle unpacking it until now, even now not sure I won't cry while doing it. I have a hutch that my husband's mother gave me that is in my dining room; it's sitting there empty waiting for the Noritake to occupy it.
Jas...I as well have my Mothers antique armoire which holds service for 16 China from the U.K. I love to look at it, it is a treasure. I wonder what will happen when I go, my daughter says she will take it, but it's so not in keeping with her modern eclectic style. I love to pass things on, so hopefully it will stay in the family. I remember it was hard to unpack it, had it shipped down from San Francisco after her death 12 years ago. My sister kept her dining room table and I got the chest and dishes. Time will tell.....good luck with your unpacking.

Live consciously....
Thank you. I don't have children of my own to pass things along to, but I have a few nieces and lots of nephews. I know my nephews won't care about any of that stuff but two of my nieces are very sentimental and would treasure it. One of them will get the silver and the other will get the China. Who knows, maybe your daughter can figure out a way to integrate it into her home. Family heirlooms are important, in my opinion.
Yesterday and today I've been busy tackling a pile of paperwork and working my way through the 25 pounds of tomatoes I bought to dehydrate.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt
Hey, do they taste the same as the sundried tomatoes when you dehydrate them? Intriguing.
They do. I can dry in the comfort of my kitchen without worrying about bugs and humidity I'd find outside.

Hey, do they taste the same as the sundried tomatoes when you dehydrate them? Intriguing.

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. Eleanor Roosevelt

Thank you. I don't have children of my own to pass things along to, but I have a few nieces and lots of nephews. I know my nephews won't care about any of that stuff but two of my nieces are very sentimental and would treasure it. One of them will get the silver and the other will get the China. Who knows, maybe your daughter can figure out a way to integrate it into her home. Family heirlooms are important, in my opinion.
She says she will make room, as she has memories of our Friday night Sabbath dinners with the whole family
at my Mothers house, and I always like to mix things, makes it more interesting. the piece is over 100 years old
and the dishes as sweet as it gets.....

Live consciously....
After a few hours near river and trees, I feel great again. Am passing throuh tiny towns and open spaces on the way to work. The wakening sun is winking at me through a veil of clouds. The temperature is my idea of heaven on earth. The rural world is coming to,life.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I did laundry and cleaned the bathrooms yesterday, dusting vacuuming today (eventually). Tomorrow I will get around to painting that dining room wall. My sinuses have been acting up, as I have horrible allergies and dust is one of the things I am allergic to. And my house needs dusting and vacuuming badly.
I went to a brunch a friend was throwing. She made amazing danish with the plum jam she made from my tree. She should have a restaurant. Seriously the best danish I ever had. Came home and took the dogs out, and now relaxing for a bit before I leave for an afternoon of shopping.
No, because the last thing I need is home made danish sitting around. However, if you want it I will ask.
Well I am sure it's your plums that made it so great...and no, I don't need danish, either. LOL. It will go straight to my arse. I think I gained a pound just thinking about it.
Go me. I added shops for today and tomorow. (The Perfectionist is frothing and twitching because There Is Housework To Be Done.) The rest of me figures that housework, like heaven, can wait. I need to fund major car repairs. I can clean the house when the mechanic fixes the car.

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Worked half a day at the 8-5, went to a dr apt and worked in 3 shops in the afternoon. Made my homemade chicken stew for supper. My youngest daughter is leaving for college Sat and I am going crazy. She made a bucket list of her favorite meals for me to make and this was one. First time in 41 years I won't have a child in the house, yes, I stretched it out. Kids are 41, 40, 32, 18.
Making reservation on line for the Flamingo Hotel and Casino for the IMSC conference. I arrive early so that I can do some LV shops. (Yes, I have a NV work card.) Also a quick grocery trip (not a shop) and a bit of an archaeological dig in my kitchen! Spent the morning doing reports from yesterday's shops.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Is the timeframe for ATL available yet? Spring could be anywhere from March to May

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
May is what I hear. I do not have a firm date yet.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Met my daughter/friend at our new beautiful Starbucks, talked for 2 hours, home making lunch and fiddling around...no work.

Live consciously....
@walesmaven wrote:

May is what I hear. I do not have a firm date yet.

HA! I thought this was in the conference thread and I kept looking and looking and was like WHERE DID IT GO!

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
This is NOT the conference thread. Try the MS area of the forum.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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