Just checking.
About the bathrooms... here is a little tip from merchandising world. You can use baby wipes, preferably unscented ones, to loosen crud. Place the wipes where needed and let them do their work (whatever that is) for a few seconds. That crud should become easy to wipe up. If this task is easier for you, then your bathroom cleaning job is easier in at least one way. If only I could persuade or convince the hubby that this is a good way to work. Then, he might clean the bathroom more often. (It's one of his jobs.)
Anyway, I am contemplating the meaning of life and a better world in which there is more porch time. For better or worse, an upcoming project was cancelled. For me, this is a blessing in that I will have more time for me and my world. I hope that others who were scheduled for one or more locations can replace the work, if they need to have more revenue. Anyway, imho the client has made a brilliant change here. Location staff will perform jobs that we used to do. I presume that the first task will be audited surreptitiously by mystery shoppers or during revealed audits. It means less work for us (unless we also work with the MSC that handles the client's shops and audits). Hopefully, it will result in more localized work and less costly work that the client must fund. Could the client ever pass along cost savings to us in the form of lower prices at the fuel pump? (Yeah, yeah. Dream on.) Or, if this means a little extra work in the mystery shops or audits, can the client pay a little more in the fees? (Yeah, yeah. Dream on.)
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)