Competition make us do odd things. The folks from his office are all working remotely and are cooking for bragging rights, posting photos of their creations. He borrowed my mandolin and glove the other day and evidently it was to make his tart but while he was getting zucchini he saw some eggplant that looked pretty too. He got the goat cheese the recipe called for and the other things but forgot to buy a pie crust. So he looked up on the internet for a recipe and instructions--rolled it out with a coffee mug as he had no rolling pin and didn't think to use a wine bottle. He wasn't too sure what 'blind bake' meant so cooked it empty for the number of minutes suggested but still got a soggy bottom. He had no shortening or lard so it was an all butter crust. But it worked, and where it was not soggy it was nicely flaky.
Trying to figure out what to do with the eggplant, he sliced long strips with the mandolin and rolled them around a dollop of ricotta and a strip of ham, layering the rolls into a pan with tomato sauce and baked. Gorgeous dish, reasonable flavors but the eggplant did not cook enough to soften.
So dinner tonight was leftovers of those two dishes and then a chicken with sweet potato and asparagus skillet entrée. It was fun sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter showing him shortcuts for dicing raw sweet potatoes and mincing garlic. He never paid attention to that stuff before now. I had him tell me what he thought the dish would taste like based on the recipe and then had him taste his raw veggies. He expected the sweet potatoes to actually make the dish sweet and the sweet potatoes were not sweet, so we snuck in some carrot to add to the sweetness. I had him taste as the dish was finishing up and it still was not as sweet as he expected to contrast with the chicken and asparagus, so I had him add a drizzle of honey. It needed a bit of a sauce but there was nothing open and handy. He did recognize that it needed a bit more salt. What ended up on the table was attractive for his photo as well as tasty.