The default dish: black olive and onion Alfredo w/ quite a bit of minced garlic and lotsa' ground black pepper. I luvluvluv this! Hubby does not like the black pepper so much and did not like the basic dish. I did not like the basic dish either, finding that it needed something with body, such as leftover chicken. (We both forgot to take chicken out of the freezer and did not generate leftover chicken. We stuck with the planned menu and ended up with... a dish that can be improved in a few ways even if we do not add the traditional chicken or shrimp. Assorted veggies, herbs, and if it is not blasphemous or something, more cheese could be combined and make a substantially better dish.) In all, a good default experiment that filled my little heart with ideas for improved future versions.
Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/14/2022 05:58PM by Shop-et-al.