I freaked out a little at a dinner party last night...

So, my boyfriend took me to a dinner party last night with members of a country/golf club. He's in computer engineering and technology but the dinner party had guests from other sectors too. There were people from insurance, television services, phone services, and small/medium business owners at our table. I'm not typically big on these types of events. I have tattoos and holes from piercings and occasionally people ask questions and nag me about "poor decision making". I want more tattoos and it it just thrills these folks when I start talking about ideas for new ink. grinning smiley I'm very hippie dippie, liberal-ish and feel a bit out of place with the shop talk at these things.

The conversation was bad. It was highly negative against anyone and anything that wasn't what I've been calling the 3 C's... Caucasian, Christian, and conservative. There's nothing wrong with being whatever religion, political inclination, or race you are folks! I was on edge and then one of the table members started rearranging table settings for another guest who was coming unexpectedly. She kept touching things full handed with wrapped fingers and I noticed she handled the tops of all the forks and spoons at my place setting and others. That was about my last straw. I was panicky and I even tried to move my cutlery and she touched it a second and third time on the eating parts. I blurted out "please stop touching my fork tines!!!!!" I seriously blew my lid briefly and I'm sure everyone noticed when I got up and returned to the table with a brand new set of cutlery. I just couldn't. Who knows if this woman washes her hands when she pees or if she had her fingers running through her hair, or if she had sneezed into her hands at any point etc. It just worked me over last night. The conversation was bad enough but she touched my forks and spoons with her grubby little hands and I didn't know her. AAAAAARGH. Haha. That was my freak out yesterday.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/18/2017 04:41PM by clinen11.

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I attend corporate events frequently and work in sales for a large corporation. More often than not I see people that really have no clue how to be respectful of others and their space. That is gross.

I often look for the most quiet person at events and try to engage them. I like learning about people no matter what ink they have.
It really irked me. I don't know why. I eat greasy ole fast food at times, and use the silverware at sit down places like Chili's but something about seeing her physically touch all of the spoon and the fork tines made my snap a little.

With the quiet person suggestion-- I think that's what the guy beside me was doing. He had long, shaggy-ish hair and a ball cap on and was dressed in jeans and a casual shirt. His mother and uncle were at our table and I felt like he was being forced to be there. He chit chatted a bit with my honey and I and talked about music and off-topic things from the table.

I liked a couple people at the table separate from the event, but wasn't a fan of their personalities at the table.

I think it's totally disgusting what she did touching everything. I have been to countless events similar to what you described and have never seen anything like that nor have I seen such snobbish people. If I did encounter what you did I would personally stay away as that isn't my crowd. It amazes me how polarized this country is. I guess that is what is happening. Unfortunate. I stay away from negative people.

Question is what did your boyfriend think of the whole situation ?
Carry a small kleenex package and a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your tote. That's what I do for this kind of situation. Love and intention to all! Signed, Night Owl at 5:50 pm
I would have taken that woman's silverware, put each piece in my mouth, let those saliva juices start flowing and neatly place them back on the table.
Touching everything... that reminds me of odd Amy Farrah Fowler from the Big Bang Theory who touched everything in Penny's apartment in hopes of pre-bonding, or becoming "besties", or something... ew! But to be kindly, I will say that the person might have been looking for water spots or food stains on allegedly clean silverware, or straightening each piece to thwart any errant utensil that dared to deviate by even one millimeter from its designated position, or something else that is not immediately obvious...

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
You don't know why it irked you? Seriously? It was nasty! You were completely and fully justified getting new silverware, AND putting the offender on blast.

"I told myself to quit you; but I don't listen to drunks." -Chris Stapleton
And if you think the FOH was nasty, try the BOH. Not all cooks have great hygiene. They pick their rear ends with their fingers and then handle your steak. tongue sticking out smiley
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