BONUSES From $50-$150! February Shops in AZ, FL, ID, LA, NC, ND, NJ, OH, SC & TN – Family Fun Centers, Museum, Observation Wheel, Roller Skating

Amusement Advantage has fun shops at a variety of locations available now and needing to be scheduled ASAP for February. We also have most of the same shops available for March. February shops have bonuses available from $50-$150.

AZ – Chandler Roller Skating: $180 pay/reimbursement (including $70 BONUS)

FL – Ft. Myers Family Fun Center: $75 pay (including $50 BONUS) + $150 reimbursement; Panama City Beach Observation Wheel: $288 pay/reimbursement (including $80 BONUS)

ID – Meridian Family Fun Center: $255 pay/reimbursement (including $60 BONUS)

LA – Monroe Family Fun Center: $271 pay/reimbursement (including $100 BONUS)

NC – Raleigh Roller Skating: $175 pay/reimbursement (including $60 BONUS)

ND – Minot Family Fun Center: $321 pay/reimbursement (including $150 BONUS)

NJ – Camden Roller Skating: $200 pay/reimbursement (including $70 BONUS); Jackson Township Roller Skating: $210 pay/reimbursement (including $70 BONUS); Woodbridge Roller Skating: $150 pay/reimbursement (including $70 BONUS)

OH – Cleveland Roller Skating: $205 pay/reimbursement (including $70 BONUS); Columbus Roller Skating: $185 pay/reimbursement (including $70 BONUS)

SC – Charleston African American Museum: $95 pay (including $70 BONUS) + $120 reimbursement

TN – Pigeon Forge Family Fun Center: $105 pay (including $70 BONUS) + reimbursement up to $105

To view the details and apply go to: [] and then go to Search Shops. You must have a current application on file to view/request shops. If you aren't registered with us, click Become A Shopper on the website to register.

We pay via PayPal in 21-28 days. We offer shopper self-assign on many of our assignments. Most assignments are released on the FIRST FRIDAY of each month; however, movie theater and other shops can be added at any time and aren't released on a set schedule.

Even if you aren't interested, please refer your friends, family and co-workers. You will earn $20 for every new shopper you refer who registers and completes a shop for our company.

Please email or call us if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you!

Amusement Advantage, Inc.

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