Southwest Airlines In-flight Shops - $25 Shopper Pay + up to $75 Ticket Reimbursement.

New Southwest Airlines In-flight Shops are now available for all US distinations.
Shopper Pay: $25 + up to $75 Ticket Reimbursement.

Any Southwest domestic flight that is at least an hour in length.
The flight must depart between 8:00 am - 9:00 pm.

To qualify, please send your confirmed Southwest Airlines itinerary, be sure it includes your travel dates, times, and flight numbers. Contact:
Here's how it works: You will evaluate the credit card announcement, and if a flight attendant talks about the credit card to other passengers around you - do not ask for an application or apply for the card.

JPMC CARD PROGRAM – SWA In-Flight Shops on Shopmetrics. []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2025 12:45AM by billcarden822.

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