Moundsville, WV: Hardware store visit -$27 (

For this shop you will:

Call the location before your visit to ask a question. Write down what they say in order to capture the information as closely as possible, as this will be included in the report.
It is HIGHLY recommended that you enter this information in your report right after the call, by using "Save for Later" at the bottom of the page once you've filled out the phone call section on your form.
Visit the location on your assigned date. You must arrive at least 30 minutes prior to closing to allow enough time for an interaction.
Use the scenario you are given. This is under the "Specific Briefing" section of this document.
Note the level of service and the options you are given for your scenario. You will also be asked to evaluate the condition of the store.
All observations that you need to make can be seen on the form at the bottom of this briefing.
You will be asked to discreetly take the following pictures during your visit:
one of the sales desk
one of the paint desk
Once you're done with your interaction, proceed to checkout to make a purchase.
Make sure that you receive your receipt. You will be asked to upload a copy of this to your report.
Once you've completed checkout, you may leave the store.

Flat payment $20.00 plus reimbursement up to $7.00

Thank you,
The Coordinating Department at Secret Shopper

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