Knoxville, TN: Wedding dress try on -$65 (

For this shop you will:

Book an appointment to try on wedding dresses.
You will be posing as a bride. Say your wedding is at least 7-9 months out. (Have a number of months in mind).
If this is a second visit, you MUST schedule over the phone instead. Make sure any information you give builds on your previous visit.
Visit your assigned location. You MUST visit with at least 1 guest.
You MUST arrive on time. If you are late to your appointment, your shop may be canceled.
You must also stay for the entire appointment (expected 90 minutes).
Observe and note the facility's exterior and interior cleanliness and appearance.
Observe employee customer service.
Interact with the wedding stylist and assess their service quality.
Assess the service provided in the fitting room.
Evaluate the checkout/wrap-up process.
You are not required to make a purchase. You will not reimbursed if you choose to make one.

If you feel you are physically unable to exercise in a health club for at least 20 minutes, do not complete this shop.

Flat payment $60.00, plus bonus of $5.00

Thank you,
The Coordinating Department at Secret Shopper

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