$10.00 Shopper Pay BBQ Carry Out Breakfast Shops

Reality Based Group is offering BBQ Shops!

7:00 AM - 10:30 AM Breakfast

Available Locations:
Georgetown, TX 78628
San Antonio, TX 78259
Spring Branch, TX 78070
New Braunfels, TX 78132
Hutto, TX 78634
Temple, TX 76502

Reason for visit: evaluate the cleanliness, service times, order accuracy, and food quality provided by placing and picking up a to go order. Review the updated guidelines before shopping.

Call the recorded call number on your scorecard and enter the required codes. Required Order: Any Breakfast Entrée. Please do not order additional items, except for upsells and beverages, since that may increase cook time and could unfairly pull down the store's mystery shop score. Listen to the call you placed by refreshing your scorecard. A play back button will appear. Make sure the recording is there, clear and complete before going to pick up your food. Once your order has been placed and you have confirmed the recording on the report, drive to the location to pick up your order. You may choose to pick up inside or by using the curbside pickup system, which requires you to call the restaurant from a designated parking space outside. If you choose curbside pickup, use the store’s phone number, NOT the recorded line phone number, or you risk over-writing the recording of your order. Verify the quality of your order once you have taken it home- a. Check temperatures of your beverage and food purchases, along with freshness, secure packaging and presentation. b. If you experience a problem with your food, and you need to contact the store (using the store’s phone number, NOT the recorded line phone number), please provide a detailed narrative about what took place. The Shop pays 10.00 and reimburses up to $20.00 for purchases.

To apply, please register at www.realitybasedgroup.com

Christina Harhalos

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