Entertainment Shop in Bay City, Corsicana and Sherman, TX

Reality Based Group is now offering entertainment shops.

Bay City, TX 77414
Corsicana, TX 75109
Sherman, TX 75090

Shop Hours: Monday to Thursday 3:00 PM to 10:30 PM; Friday to Sunday 12: PM to 10:30 PM; (DO NOT SHOP on Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Christmas Eve, Christmas or New Years Day). DO NOT SHOP DURING OPENING WEEK OF A MOVIE!. On average, expect this shop to take 2-3 hours. Maximum 1 alcoholic beverage per person required. You must bring at least 1 guest with you, NO CHILDREN.

All Locations- Observe the cleanliness of the parking lot and the functionality of the exterior signs and lights, observe the cleanliness of all the varier areas of your shop.Note if there was a manager interacting with other customers during the shop. During the movie, if there were unruly patrons, observe any actions management took.

Reimbursement up to $100.00 for purchases.

To apply, please register at www.rbgshoppers.com and look at the job board online once signed in.

Christina Harhalos- Scheduler

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