Sparta, WI: Superstore Visit and purchase -$35 (

For this shop you will:
• Call before you visit the location. Obtain the name of the associate and follow the scenario. Your call must take place when the store is open.
• When you enter the location, pick up a store flyer to bring with you.
• Visit the Automotive Department.
• Present the associate with your scenario under the "Specific Briefing" section.
This will include asking about a specific item in that department. Evaluate the associate’s knowledge based on that interaction. You MUST get the associate name.
• Conduct a random spot-check of 5 items in the store flyer. (These can be anywhere in the store.) Make sure these items are correctly priced and easy to find. (If you can not find an instore flyer, please visit the website to view the flyer.)
• You must purchase a small item of your choice to obtain a receipt, you will upload this into your report.

Flat payment $15.00 plus reimbursement up to $5.00, plus bonus of $15.00

To sign up for this and other shops in your area, visit us at []
If you are not a shopper with us, we encourage you to apply!

Thank you,
The Coordinating Department at Secret Shopper

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