Springfield, MO: Fitness center tour -$30 (www.secretshopper.com)

For this shop you will:

Visit your assigned 10 Fitness location within the hours of operation (Note: Some locations are not staffed on the weekend).
Notice the staff friendliness and enthusiasm upon entry.
Fill out a guest waiver at one of the kiosks.
You must provide a legitimate email and phone number.
Take a walking tour of the gym with a staff member.
Evaluate the facilities and the staff interactions.
Note the questions staff asks about you and your fitness goals.
Discreetly take a photo of the buildings exterior for proof of shop.

Flat payment $30.00

To sign up for this and other shops in your area, visit us at [www.secretshopper.com]
If you are not a shopper with us, we encourage you to apply!

Thank you,
The Coordinating Department at Secret Shopper

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