Key West, FL: Restaurant Visit -Up to $125 (

Call the restaurant to ask a question. This can be about hours, directions, or specials.
Visit the restaurant on your assigned date with a guest.
Evaluate the level of service, timing of service, and food/drink quality.
Order two beverages (at least one alcoholic), an appetizer, 2 entrees, and dessert of your choosing.
Leave once you've made all requested observations and finished your meal.

Reimbursement up to $120.00, plus bonus of $5.00

To sign up for this and other shops in your area, visit us at []
If you are not a shopper with us, we encourage you to apply!

Thank you,
The Coordinating Department at Secret Shopper

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/08/2025 04:49AM by SecretShopper1.

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