San Fransisco, CA: Shoe Store Visit $35 (

Visit on your assigned date and timeframe
Observe the condition of the exterior and interior of the facility
Evaluate the customer service within the store
Try on at least one pair of shoes
You MUST obtain the NAME of the associate or your shop WILL BE CANCELED
Make a purchase of a pair of shoes in order to obtain a receipt.
It is suggested that you fill out your form at this point with all of the information, and submit it. You may then submit the remainder of your report after your return visit.
If you choose not to fill out the first part of your form until the next day, your shop may automatically cancel.
You must return at least 3 hours later or the following day in order to make a return of your shoes.
Evaluate the service during your return.
Obtain a second receipt for this transaction.

Flat payment $15.00 plus reimbursement up to $5.00, plus bonus of $15.00

To sign up for this and other shops in your area, visit us at []
If you are not a shopper with us, we encourage you to apply!

Thank you,
The Coordinating Department at Secret Shopper

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