Baton Rouge, LA: up to $30 - Dog store visit

Visit the website [] and browse through the available services.
Use the phone number under your assigned location on the shop page to call the location and inquire about a service. Print out the Letter of Authorization in the "Letter of Authorization" section of this briefing.
Visit your designated location on the day of your assignment. Measure customer service levels, Note the professionalism of the staff, Observe the cleanliness and orderliness, and Check for talking points.
Review the Survey to ensure you know everything you will be responding to.
Make a retail purchase of your choice. You will be reimbursed up to $5.00.
After your purchase, reveal yourself and ask to evaluate the back-end compliance. This is when you will present the letter. This is where you will count the inventory. If you have any questions about the products please ask an employee. Here you will count all of the inventory listed. Check the survey and PDF link for a list of items you will be checking for.

Flat payment $25.00 plus reimbursement up to $5.00

To sign up for this and other shops in your area, visit us at []
If you are not a shopper with us, we encourage you to apply!

Thank you,
The Coordinating Department at Secret Shopper

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