• Confirm their hours of operation before your visit.
• Visit the store location on your assigned date.
• Observe the condition of the exterior and interior of the facility.
• Take an image of the exterior of the location to include all Shag signage.
• Note if an associate approached you within 30 seconds of entering the store. Describe your
interaction with the associate. Ask a question about the store or a product and note the
information given by the associate.
• Evaluate the customer service within the store.
• Make a purchase of any item in order to obtain a receipt for your proof of shop and evaluate the transaction with the checkout associate
Flat payment $15.00 plus reimbursement up to $11.00, plus bonus of $5.00
To sign up for this and other shops in your area, visit us at [www.secretshopper.com]
If you are not a shopper with us, we encourage you to apply!
Thank you,
The Coordinating Department at Secret Shopper