Brookfield, WI: Dental Visit - $105 (

Act as a potential patient interested in dental treatment at Nuvia Smiles Dental Clinic.
Follow the provided scenario, stating that you are missing 5 or more teeth (even if you're not), have a 740+ credit score, and are experiencing confidence issues/difficulty eating.
Fill out the questionnaire provided in the link: [] with accurate name, email, and phone number information.
Receive a call from the Inbound Sales Representative (ISR). Express concerns about confidence issues and difficulty eating due to missing teeth during the call. You will be setting up an appointment to visit the practice. (Try to set this up as soon as possible.)
Make a refundable $89 deposit to schedule the appointment. This will be refunded at the end of your visit.
After the call is completed, it is suggested that you fill out this portion of your report and click "Save for Later." This is so you do not need to remember this information later.
Visit for a dental scan on your appointment date at the provided time. You will be evaluating level of service through the visit.
Familiarize yourself with the briefing and the shop form to ensure all specific observations are made.
Make sure to capture the name of everyone you interact with during your visit.
Take a picture of the exterior of the building after your visit, which will be uploaded along with a copy of the receipt showing the deposit was returned to your account

Flat payment $100.00, plus bonus of $5.00

To sign up for this and other shops in your area, visit us at []
If you are not a shopper with us, we encourage you to apply!

Thank you,
The Coordinating Department at Secret Shopper

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