HUGE BONUS! $40.00 No Purchase Retail Shop in QC DUE 1/31!!

Hello Friends!

WE NEED YOUR HELP! This shop us due today!

387 Montee Industrielle-et-Commerciale Rimouski, QC G5M 1Y1

Shopper payment is $40.00.
No purchase required.
This visit can be performed any day of the week, but only during open hours. Please try not to shop within an hour of store opening or closing.

Shop Info:

Bluetooth Speakers Scenario:

For this assignment, you will visit a local Best Buy store and evaluate an associate's advocacy skills and product knowledge. You will wait for a salesperson to approach you and ask for assistance with Bluetooth Speakers. You will need to listen for brand recommendations and will need to bring up the client's product if it is not mentioned.

Thank you in advance for your help in meeting our deadline!

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