Do you have an Android Phone?
GfK is currently looking for shoppers to test using the Android Pay app in various restaurants, stores, etc.
• Pays $10
• Reimbursement $6.50
• Small form
• Submission is on Presto app
This is NOT your typical mystery shop because it is EASY, and I mean EASY! We are just testing to see if the Android Pay app works. Shop form is easy to fill out on your form and short!
• Must have Android Phone
• Must be willing to download Android Pay app and use it
• Must be willing to use Presto app ( most mystery shoppers have this already)
You cannot find these shops without going through the scheduler for the special GfK to find them in Presto.
Please sign up with GfK at [] by hitting Apply at the top of the page. Then email me –
Locations will include various cities in CA FL IL MA MN MO NC NJ NY OR TX WA
Jennifer Barrick
Independent Scheduler