EASY $12.00 Valet Shops

For these EASY $12 Parking Shops! All you do is drive up, have the attendant park your car, wait 30 minutes, and pick up your car!

Available Locations:
Ann Arbor, MI
Harrison, NY
Staten Island, NY
Lancaster, OH
Tiffin, OH
Chillicothe, OH
Portland, OR
Milwaukee, OR
Concord, MA
Boston, MA
Chelsea, MA
Melrose, MA
Indianapolis, IN
Greenfield, IN
Marina Del Rey, CA
Burlingame, CA
Coronado, CA
Napa, CA
Sonoma, CA
Annapolis, MD
Cambridge, MD

ALL you evaluate is the service you receive upon arrival and upon departure!

We reimburse 100% of the valet fees ($50 is JUST AN ESTIMATE - we will reimburse for your actual amount).

If interested you must be registered with Reality Based Group in order to do the shop. You can register at www.rbgshoppers.com. Once Registered, you may look on the Job Board to locate the shop or email me!

Christina Harhalos

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