Thank you Customer Impact!

This past month, CI had a snafu where they accidentally took pay out of our accounts rather then put it in. I received an email detailing the problem that included what they were doing to resolve the issue. I also got a call to make sure I received the email. I really appreciate their communication with this issue, and the fact that they resolved it quickly! Well done! This has been a great company to work for. Thank you!

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They are tops! I just got an email from an editor for a great report and they thanked me for making their job easier. All around good people.

I am also a big supporter of CI after a long and productive work relationship. I was just assigned a job I wanted for tomorrow, and although Kristen (a long timer) said she was going through the assignment process, she immediately assigned it to me, and was a pleasure to work with...KUDO'S Customer Impact and Kristen.

Live consciously....
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