Sally rocks my world!
She answers the phone when a shop goes funky. She's extremely fabulous when responding to emails, when something goes funky.
She answers the phone when I call and say I'm fairly certain I can hit a remote area that day after I completed my original run. If the shops aren't assigned I'm allowed the attempt. Driving in TX has its drawbacks, one can end up in one lane only....H E double hockey sticks. Yeah, that happened yesterday.
She is willing to work with me if other schedulesr need me and Sally's dates must be changed,.
She goes to bat for me when working with the above multiple schedulers and helps negotiate exceptional bonuses.
Like I said in the beginning, Sally rocks my world, every day and every month I work for her,
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning; the devil shudders...And yells OH #%*+! SHE'S AWAKE!