Ulta in Target Stores

These are being offered by the same company that does Kroger and the questionnaire looks pretty straightforward. I rarely ever shop at Target so I can't even picture how there's an Ulta in there but . . . one of the requirements is a photo of the entire Ulta space. Question to those of you that are familiar, is taking that photo doable while still remaining covent? It seems like you'd be standing right on front of the Ulta and taking a photo for no apparent reason other than being a mystery shopper.

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From my experience in taking pictures in places like Target, Walmart, etc. I just stand there and take any picture I need. It seems no one even pays attention, cares, nor say anything. I think they see things like that so much, they don't think anything of it. I think it's a lot in how you carry yourself. If you act like you belong there, they don't pay attention. But, if you show reserve in any way, you stand out to them. I've even pulled up a top stock cart, climbed on it, took an Aerial photo, and pushed the cart back. Staff and customers just kept walking around me. I don't even think anyone even looked at me.

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
For minimum wage most employees dont care.

But I never worry about taking the pictures to complete my shop. Most employees dont care.
The Ulta section in my local Target is several rows with no dedicated employee to look at anyone.
I’ve done this shop three times now. The employees do not care at all and are not paying any attention if you’re taking photos.

The locations that I’ve done have a store inside a store. It’s usually next to the beauty section and they have lots and lots of high-end brands.

I think Sephora had a similar set up in Kohl’s for a while.
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