
Just did 2 in store Krogers. I am NOT great at figuring out people's ages and heights. I find the writing descriptions for deli, meat, produce and cashiers a bit tiring. Has anyone ever been questioned as to age or height of the people they described/ I also find the question about whether or not anyone did not greet you as you walked in the store a bit silly, I often pass people who are pick up order clerks and they have their faces in their computers trying to get the right orders in the right bags so they do not even look up. Not sure what Kroger is so interested in associates greeting people. Shops are taking me about 30 minutes in store. Not thrilled with the added descriptions- and thankfully doing self check as I do not need any more people to report on!

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I completed my first Kroger's July of 2006. Neither with the former MSC nor the current have I ever received a request or comment concerning my descriptions. My best guess is 800 shops over 18+ yrs.

I also probably average out at 30 mins. My time is predicated upon zero need to rush, a desire to give my best and ferreting out the reduced items which, of course, increases my profit. It is not uncommon for me to increase my take by 50%+ in the produce, deli and/or meat cases. This past Monday was approx. a 100%+ day, but those are unusual.

I NEVER apply for pick-ups.
The store knows who was assigned to these sections on the day/time of the shop. If you are at all close,.they will know which one you mean.

And... how do I put this? They need their employees to be more engaged. I hope the shops least a little.
My description guesses go like this:
1. hair description - straight/curly/wavy, color,
2. age: if they look like they're in high school I pick 18 - 24. if they look like rotten little kids, but I can't put an age on them, I assume gen x and do the range up to age 29. If I think they are about my son's age I use the range up to 39. Anyone that looks older than my son is automatically 50, and everyone else is my age or older and end up in 60+.
3. height: SHORT (under 5 ft.), short like me (5'3"winking smiley taller than me (5'5" - 5'9"winking smiley, tall (5'10" - 6'), and very tall (over 6').

does that help?
What are you talking about "writing descriptions"?? They are checklists, not narratives. And have condensed the age groups even more. Look like high school, 20s; look like young parents 30s, Have gray hair or dye jobs, 40's, More than a few wrinkles, 50's, My age or older 60+.

Try to remember glasses and facial hair.

Today everyone was so nice to me that I was convinced that my photo must be up in the office. I have noticed a lot of manager groups on the floors in the last months, too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2025 04:00AM by melg.
I did far too many this round. I'll be sitting out for awhile.

Produce guy was hitting on me at the last location. SMH. I've had about enough of grocery stores for now.
Morz, I was wondering what Fatlady meant. Some of her posts make it sound like she is not experienced with these shops. I find them pretty easy, most days.

For my notes I will write (Deli or Pro or Meat) Name blnd wavy pb (for pulled back) 20s 58 glasses (or stache, etc). Default around here is black straight short, so often won't even write that down, only if different. Sometimes I put my guess at exact age (I watch reality TV to keep up on what different ages look like).

I like to do it on my phone as emails to myself then I have it on the record in case I lose the slip of paper. When I pull into the lot I email myself the start time and any fails in the lot. Then on exit do cashier and bagger in the car, with the exit time. Hardest to remember (and see) are the names. Love it when the Deli person has name badge on their hat, like yesterday.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/12/2025 02:58PM by melg.
I use an app called Keep, it's the same one I use for my grocery list.

And those poor deli employees are going to be exhausted by my party planning! It's nice they have the pamphlets about meat trays as it gives me a good excuse to linger at the counter and then not buy anything.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2025 12:28AM by Deedeezthoughts.
My kids and their spouse/live ins are aged 50---34. I think how they look and compare associates to them. Hair makes me giggle because to me male hair falling just above the shoulders is medium but to someone else might be long.

Is there a button on this site I might have accidently pushed as my recent posts are hidden?
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