Lots of Gas Station Audits

I'm amazed as this quarter winds down, that there are lots of BP and Marathon gas station audits still available in my area. How is it in your neck of the woods?

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230

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None really in New Mexico unless they are too far away from everything else to warrant a drive out for $10-$15
Same. Tons of Marathon available here. We've had a super cold and snowy winter, so not sure people are very motivated to go trudge around in that for $10. They have some small bonuses on them, but still...pass!
There are no BP and Marathon stations in my neck of the woods; Oops, there are no woods here either.
There are still a few BP lighting audits and some of the daylight shops still available, but at relatively low pay still. Shells are coming up finally and my son is doing them. The E/M shops are getting to the point where they are worth my time, and there are still a few lighting audits for them with good pay for the amount of effort involved. Someone blew through the little town close to me and did all the Marathons at $15 each, so I had to go a few blocks over to the ones that aren't directly in town, and got 4 of them for $18 each to do this weekend, or probably Monday, though it would make more sense to do them on Tuesday when I do the Chevrons in the same area.
I've had a pretty good stretch with some nice bonuses, albeit with some weird hours to hit available darkness audits on my remote routes.

Was hoping to get a nice trip for next week as I'm on spring break from teaching. Was eyeing a remote run of some triple-digit P66's, but that wave has closed.

Have a very lucrative overnighter starting Monday with 15 Chevrons @ $30 + reimbursement and 2 more at $50+. Add in 3 Shells @ $25+ (a couple of the pump counts are a bit high for that fee, but I'm doing them for the gas) and couple of the quick truck stop/competitor visits and my car will be ready for the Quick Quack car wash at the end of things.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
Moreled, Don't forget to use only the corporate website for EM dark! Only shop if website says gas available 24 hours or you're in for a big, time consuming fight to get paid. Someone probably did them already and got rejected.
I wasn't in the mood to do a gas station audit, but there are ones for Speedway that don't require a bunch of pictures. Just one of your receipt and another of exterior signage. I did a few near my house and figure if they are rejected, I'm out of the cost of some convenience items I would have normally purchased to begin with. The reimbursement is $1.50 and the shop fee is $7.50. As for a hint to the MSC, this is the same one that has shops for Texas Roadhouse.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/11/2025 09:21PM by jp43209.
And the hits just keep on comin'!!!

Rewarded myself with a couple of beers after finishing the route mentioned above and thought I'd look into seeing what might be available in a different direction. BINGO!

I'm off to the Jackson Hole area, one of my faves anywhere, for an overnighter featuring a Customer First for $75 + reimbursement, an Exxon lighting for $75 (with another at regular fee), and 5 other Chevrons @ $40 ea + reimbursement. There's a Marathon in the area for $25+, 3 Exxons (one where the lighting audit is) @ $18+ and a Phillips 66 darkness @ $20. And I'm doing another Shell with too many pumps (and a really weird pump setup) @ $25+ because gas. Just added 1 ea competitor truck stops (love that they are spying on each other), and tried to get one of them on back to back days but the second one disappeared.

All in all a really good haul for the first 4 days of spring break...

Have synthesizers, will travel...
I'm going to move to where Cool lives. The algorithms and shoppers never let fees get that high in my 300 mile radius. Watch out - here I come!
@sestrahelena - and get yourself that wall-to-wall, floor to ceiling size vinyl map to figure out your routes and analyze the $$$ made along the interstate highways, points and perks on credit cards, beer breaks, and all the other jackpots he finds. He is the king.
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