Seashore brand gas station

I don't remember this brand being so slow to get reviewed and paid. I'm into my 8th day of the 72 hour "awaiting review" time period.

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Sometimes I think they hold up on editing projects just so that they aren't slammed all at once on payroll (or whatever they call shopper payments). Like, maybe there is a certain number that they stop at for any particular week. Anything's possible.
They do seem to be taking longer than the other brands in the platform. This brand is the least favorite gas shop because of the work involved. I choose them conditionally, usually based on the pump count for the fee involved, or, in the case of an overnight loop starting tomorrow, if I need gas. I've got 3 @ $25 each. With the reimbursement that's good for over $30 gross per stop, and I can usually knock out the report onsite in under 45 minutes, even with a lot of pumps involved.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
My son has about $400 worth of gas station shops "awaiting review" And probably another $300 - 400 scheduled. It would be nice if it could come in one big chunk, we have some big projects that we're going to need larger lump sums for.

When you claim a gas station shop there are 3 boxes you have to check to claim it. ONE of those is says, "I understand that this project may take up to 10 days to be accepted (payment may take 7 days longer than normal)."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2025 01:56AM by Morledzep.
After the streamlining of the reports for the other brands I have a really hard time making myself do the yellows. I find the new reporting form even more time consuming than before, I've done a few, but I've passed right by more.
I went to check on my shop and it was approved. Did not receive an email or anything about it. At least it was done.
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