For me, I never did mystery shopping full-time or attended events. I remember signing up for the forums, but never visited since last year.
Around 2019, I signed up with MFI doing simple shops. As time went on, I remember receiving phone calls for bonused shops farther from me. I stuck with those simple shops on MFI, but then later moved onto Intellishop.
Intellishop became a favorite MSC for me. When I first saw a Jack in the Box shop, it seemed intimidating with all of the pictures and timings, but I tried one. After, I often did bonused Jack in the Box routes on weekends. I started doing more types of shops with the MSC and even noticed that my pictures would later be used in the shop guidelines. Over time, I found the schedulers helpful. I remember doing a long-term assignment for a national project where others reported on items through documents provided by the client. Back then, I thought of it as a fun gig.
Around the last two years though, I made the shift to long narrative, luxury retail, high reimbursement, and travel shops. One MSC has gotten lucrative clients recently, and I've been able to get assigned restaurant and hotel shops that I personally seek. I've built a good history with the MSC. I followed some clients to other MSCs, and it turned out to be good for me. Some have shared my info with other schedulers needing to fulfill certain types of shops. Some MSCs, they've adjusted the reimbursement amount for me on meals or been lenient with deadlines. Some other types of shops are recurring shops, where I'm familiar with the same scheduler and editor. Some editors give me feedback that build upon previously reports. Some schedulers are very flexible with me in rescheduling. I've had some go out of their way to make accommodations or resolve issues for me.
All in all, for me, it's all happened organically and holistically over time, by consistently delivering high quality work! (At least I think so.)