This is definitely a bummer. I got very accustomed to getting groceries this way. I agree with others that the in stores are not as desirable. Since they added the deli requirement it has taken me 33% longer in store so the extra $2 in fee and reimbursement don't really compensate for that. Like others, I also saw the in store shops as a gateway to the pick up shops. When each in store could potentially get you $40 worth of food, the value proposition was there.
Previous changes also made the process less efficient for shoppers. Being able to do pickups and in stores on the same day at the same location and multiple pickups in one day could easily make for a $150 day with three in stores and three pickups. Reducing to one pickup a day was a blow and removing the ability to do pickup and in store at the same location was also a blow. Each of these changes resulted in more time, gas and effort on the part of the shopper.
I'm not going to be running all over to do in store shops like I had been. Prices are better at other stores so for my situation some of the value of shopping for groceries can be replaced by lower prices elsewhere. I hope, as others posit, that some of these shops will sit unfilled and there will eventually be some bonuses. However, considering how quickly they fly off the boards, I'm guessing there are still many people who need these shops to get by so I'm not betting there will be any slowdown in the appetite for these shops.