@maverick1 wrote:
It just keeps getting better, every day since Jan 20th.
@Okie wrote:
Maybe evaluating drone delivery? I ran across an AI-operated menu board. If I had to evaluate it against a typical shop's evaluation guidelines, criteria, and reporting, it blew the human competition out of the park. This is in regards to metrics such as greeting, timing standards, recommendations, operation of the digital display screen / multi-tasking, etc. It's become one of my favorite go-to locations. Maybe one day in my lifetime, a robotic nanny will change my kid's diapers or mine, and I can evaluate that!
But shopperbob had mentioned in another thread, something along the lines of adjusting and adapting to changing landscape. As long as shops conveniently and seamlessly fit into my everyday lifestyle, I hope to continue mystery shopping.
@Equine24 wrote:
Maverick. I debated responding to your "subtle" political statement; but what you just said is both cruel and lacks compassion. "It just keeps getting better since January 20:" My daughter serves veterans in the VA. In her career she has consistently worked 10 hours extra a week of unpaid overtime. The shitstorm coming from this administration has impacted Veteran healthcare as every day there is a new DOGE brilliant and often illegal move. DOGE; so far, has fired over 5,000 Veterans across all the agencies. Wham bam thank you mam They are upending people's lives. The Federal Government was not the sh,,tstorm Twitter was and is until DOGE came to town. And don't lecture me about the waste and fraud and the need to cut costs. I saw the resolution bill extending the 4,5 trillion tax cut for the richest people in this country WHILE adding 4 trillion to the national debt. President Clinton cut 400,000 federal employees during his presidency through a methodical process approved by Congress. It was not a shi,tstorm. I was part of the VA at that time. You guys can MAGA all you want, but I implore you to keep your mean and unkind sentiments about what is happening to real people off this forum.
@shopperbob wrote:
As self-employed ICs, it is paramount to success that we "plan our work, then work our plan." Read Olympia's post and heed her words. IF your current results are unacceptable, analyze the situation. IF, though, you are unable to construct a profitable plan of success, whether it runs the gamut from very occasional to full time, manure can* the business.
The plan I formulated in 2007 is still in effect, BUT, I have seen work shift from principally category 1 and a great reduction of category 2. Currently, my work is almost exclusively in Category 3. That required me to adjust to what Olympia posted concerning adaptability.
*The U.S. Navy refers to a trash receptacle as a s_it can. When referencing the term figuratively, it means to abandon attempts and move on.
@shopperbob wrote:
Olympia, I entered self-employed sales contracting in the Fall of 1963, retiring in 2005. In anticipation of that life's event, in 2003 I literally stumbled upon shopping. Come 2007, though, I realized I needed to either change my model or leave shopping to other folks. That was when I formulated my 3 category system; it has worked for me.
I am aware there are people for whom self-employment if not the direction for success. It takes a self starter with absolute discipline and the awareness that tomorrow has the potential to be devastating. As an example, I am positive some shoppers have had their budget adversely affected by this week's Kroger decision.
I thought I was using the phrase correctly! In my mind, I had a picture of a cartoon character detonating dynamite in a canyon. There's a NFL analyst named Chris Simms who butchers phrases and idioms and too, where it's coined as "Simms-isms."@olympia tennenbaum wrote:
@Okie wrote:
I ran across an AI-operated menu board. If I had to evaluate it against a typical shop's evaluation guidelines, criteria, and reporting, it blew the human competition out of the park.
"Blew them out of the park" I just have to say I love this because I can never get any sayings right and this is adorable. I once described myself as easy go lucky and I'm pretty sure I've said that someone was not the sharpest match in the box. An admin at my school was also similarly afflicted and said things on the announcements like life can't be all peaches and gravy.
Thanks, I'll show myself out.
@French Farmer wrote:
About "It just keeps getting better, every day since Jan 20th."
Whether it's sarcasm or just plain cruel, that's up for debate, IMO.
But, I will say, if that commenter believes it, that person has not looked any further than their own nose.
Here is what I have to say: Monday, we cut off our YouTubeTV subscription.
The recession has already begun.
I believe folks like me are already cutting back on non-essentials (like YouTubeTV). Some farmers are worried about their federal loans.
I could go on. I'll just point out that when you know friends and family members who are worried or who have already lost their jobs through all the current federal worker firings, the effects rumble through the federal, state and local economies. How? Those workers do not purchase goods Now, we have an administration making wholesale cuts to various departments of the government that were funding anything from medical research to local school programs.
Add to that the expected tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China, among others. Already, I know people in the building trades worrying about the cost of goods they import for construction. Costs go up, customers cancell work, workers lose their jobs.
So, what I am saying is this: I believe if the economic downturn continues, we, mystery shoppers can expect an influx of those who have lost their jobs, through no fault of their own.
@mysterioso412 wrote:
Maybe stupidly, I’m also taking fewer mystery shopping jobs. I do it after my main job, but, I don’t take any now unless they are very high paying or literally on my way to/from work/other errands
@SteveSoCal wrote:
@mysterioso412 wrote:
.......Anyone losing their job and hoping to replace it with MSing is making the mistake IMHO. The best value of MSing work is augmenting traditional employment, or retirement/disability. It was never meant to be a full-time job and while some can make that work, those who are getting the best value from are not doing it full-time.
A big mistake I made long ago was relying on MS to get me through a period of unemployment, when I doubled down on the shopping. In retrospect, I could have cut back on MSing and invested more time into finding a new job, then recovered quicker.
It is my opinion that when a person suffers job loss and, without any other means of financial compensation (unemployment never covers costs), they'll surely look for any avenue to augment their ability to keep their house afloat, mystery shopping being one of them. Not for full time, just to keep the wolf from the door.
EFL = English as Foreign or First Language? I see plenty of people born here who can't figure those out.@shopperbob wrote:
On a related note, many EFLs struggle with homonyms, especially YOUR and YOU'RE. Another would be THEIR, THERE and THEY'RE. Finally, TO, TWO and TOO.