Is there anything in these guidelines that you think could confuse some shoppers? I believe I know what they want and maybe new shoppers could get tripped up just seems like sloppy work...why not have the editors look at it before it goes out?
"A minimum of 1 gallon of gas (up to $5) and a convenience store
purchase (up to $1). YOU MUST PAY WITH CARD FOR FUEL.
Bring cash for in-store purchase in case there is a minimum
purchase. "Debit and Credit Card purchases must be at least $5"
Here's how I would write it:
This shop requires a purchase of at least one gallon of fuel and a purchase of an in-store item.
The fuel must be paid for with a credit or debit card and the purchase must
be a minimum of $5. Fuel reimbursement is a maximum of $5. We expect
this will be pay for at least one gallon of gas. If one gallon costs'
more than $5, shopper
will not be reimbursed for any amounts exceeding $5.
Shoppers will reimbursed a maximum of $1 for the in store purchase.
Since some stores require a minimum purchase for use of a credit or debit card, shoppers
should bring cash for the in-store purchase. If the in-store purchase is at least $5, shoppers
may use debit or credit cards.
Yes, my language is more wordy, but I think it eliminates questions a shopper could have.
I guess I just have a thing against vague instructions...given the type of work we do and the fact that our work is edited - ironic.
Ok, I am pedantic lol.