P66 gas stations - what’s your minimum for completing these?

What’s everyone’s minimum for completing these shops? I see several in my area posted for $20 and $22.

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It is illegal to ask one's competitors their prices - it is called price fixing. While we are small potatoes, the same laws apply to us as to mega corporations.

That said, when a different MSC served the same client, they offered fees several times higher.
I believe price fixing involves more than just asking one's competitors their prices. You also have to agree to fix prices at a certain level.

Everyone has their own minimum. I will do them for $12 if they are local, because I can also use most of the reimbursement for gas. For locations requiring travel, it varies depending on other factors such as distance and what else I have going on. (And how much gas I can put into my car.)
In my close proximity, there's currently one EIA remaining at $22. There are some remote Dark Audit at $15.

I didn't actively monitor it on Presto. I want to say the Dark Audit near me no longer showed up first, followed by the EIA. It didn't seem to disappear instantly. Maybe due to the weather here when it first became available. I'm assuming the ones that are no longer visible got claimed/completed. I thought about doing one near me, but going to pass this round.
I'll do these for base pay. The flexible reimbursement scheme is what makes them work for me. $22 for about 20 minutes of work is well worth it FWIS.

Have synthesizers, will travel...
@CoolMusic - Is everything okay? I missed seeing your trip summaries, money earned/saved, credit card perks, all of it! I imagined you had a wall to wall vinyl map that you planned routes and stops like a hunt for a serial killer by law enforcement. Then you went dark.
If they are in my area, and we're driving past them anyway, I'll do them for base pay because of the reimbursement. Currently I can get 3 gallons of gasoline and a pack of nuts and still be under reimbursement. Sometimes, I can even get a soda. My son, thinks we need to use ALL of the reimbursement, and always gets the soda even though it'll take money out of my pocket.

Hey Cool!!!! have you been hiding from us?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2025 12:53AM by Morledzep.
Base pay meets my minimum, $20. They are easier than BP, EM and Shell mystery shop-audit. I do the Circle K and Marathon for under $20 because I can complete the shop and report in 30 minutes or less. Circle K and Thornton's, a new one to me, are covert shops. I don't do Citgo because their photo requirements make it hard for me to do it without discovery.

I did two P66s for $32 each plus reimbursement. The BP, Shell and EM shops are now over $25 total. So I've certified in all 3 and may be performing them this month.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
Nothing less than $50 each. I find my situation a little different mostly because these locations are 20 - 1 hr & 30 minute drive from each other.
I tried one single gas station shop on a Shopmetrics platform. It had so many photos and sections and requirements. Part was revealed part non. I had a vest I needed to buy gas and something in the store and get receipts (all printers down). I was in the hot sun and being paid $25. I could have made $125 that day but did not sign up for the others in the area. I remember thinking there is no price to make me want to do this again - not even $125 for a half day of work. It varies by person. Some things I rather enjoy like talking to tech experts and browsing electronics stores so the pay doesn’t have to be as high. I’m likely to take a local low paying shop that nets me chocolate. However … when the rubber hits the road and they need the job done I am the person who will take the bonus to do whatever thing is needed (unless it’s a gas station). For example I scanned a crabby convenience store for 4x regular rate, drove 15 miles to fancy suburb for electronics shop.
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