The Latest BP/Amoco Shops

For this particular MSC that handles so many different gas station shops, I always ensure that one of the very first shops I do in a new round is to shop local. Why? This MSC has a bad habit of not including complete details in their guidelines.
There are different reasons that I prefer to take my required photos and then, later file the report on my home computer.
Now, some may say, well, they do ask that the shopper use the app on fill out the report while on site. I've done this and often find that I have poor cell reception onsite.
There are other reasons and, I have found it is easier for me to as I stated above.
I digress.
In the latest round, I brought my laptop, hooked up to a local WiFi and did the report close to the BP gas station I inspected. And, so, I was able to file the report correctly.

In the latest BP shops, there are 2 areas that they now request a photo. I've gone through the guidelines twice and still have not found the recent required photo(s) mentioned. Maybe they're there - I couldn't find them.
One is that the report now requests a photo of the pump showing its design type. That is not a problem for me since I do take multiple photos of each pump. This is due to BP guidelines do state that the shopper cannot use the same photo twice.
The second photo in which is asked of the shopper is the screen and approximate size. Again, I suppose the shopper could possibly crop a pump photo of just the screen. But, again, is that using a same photo twice. Plus, will the cropped photo be too blurry. OTOH, cropping a photo on my smartphone is difficult - I would rather do it on my confuser.
Lastly, for each pump photo, there is quite a long list of questions about the pump that makes answering on the phone especially hard (for my anyway). Plus they still want the shopper to input the pump number.

Sorry for the long comment. Aïe!

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I haven't done this specific shop, but I personally prefer completing and submitting the reports on my personal computer. If it's my first shop, saving the report does give me something to refer back to, if needed. In my short experience, I found that it's better to take extra photos than to crop photos.

On one rare occurrence for a different type of shop, the reviewer asked me to crop a photo and resubmit, in order to see relevant information more clearly on the report.

Rendre le dernier soupir!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2025 07:56PM by Okie.
I used to hate BP. Once I made a cheat sheet and adjusted it as guidelines changed, it went much smoother. I am like you, I do not bother with the app on the phone other than checking in upon arrival. The BP audits are too involved and the report is cumbersome in the app. I fill out my cheat sheet, and move on to the next one. Then, when I'm home, I do all the reports. It has never been a problem. Also like you, I take multiple photos above what is required. Sometimes the editors on these shops in particular can be picky. Something I may think is okay, they may decide they want to violate on. Fine by me, I have a close-up photo of it. I've also had editors who want me to violate the business due to handwritten signs inside the c-store, which is allowed, according to one of the 100+ pages in the guidelines. That's fine if they want me to do that, because I take photos of those handwritten signs just in case. Of all the shops I think need a rework and can be streamlined, this one and a certain car wash audit with another MSC are the two at the top of my list.
Frenchie, I submit photo-heavy shops at home, too. And also shop local on new releases for the same reason, in case there are surprises that I have to go back for. You are not alone! As for BP, I salute you! I've read that editors are picky. I started to read the guidelines not too long ago and decided that I did not have that much time left in life to waste on all that. None in my area but I had thought about road tripping. Not thinking about it any more!
I find doing the reports later to be a better use of time when on the road. I'm not a fan of being forced to use an app that is not always reliable. When using Sassie, if you make one false move and get off the screen you lose everything and have to start over.
For these shops, there has always been this particular stickler (from the current "Full Version Guidelines"winking smiley:

STEP 3: AUDIT (continued)
7. Use a credit card or bp/Amoco gift card to
purchase gas at the pump and evaluate the
working conditions of the pump. Debit cards
likely will not work at the pump and can lead
to the loss of eligibility to conduct shops on
this program.

So, let's see, you have 4 or 5 BP shops for the day and you purchase $2 on your credit card. After 2 or 3 times, due to the small amount, the CC company thinks it has been stolen and the thieves are "testing" it. So, your credit card shuts down your ability to use it.
What do you do? Use another one?
This has been the problem I face when doing BP shops. I go through too many credit cards because of the $2 limit.
At least with my debit card, I can use it multiple times and then, also as a credit card.
Anyway, my real issue is the statement "loss of eligibility to conduct shops on this program".
Why?? I just do not get that part.
I actually use gift cards. Easy to purchase at the grocery store and the system doesn’t shut them down. I stopped using credit cards for these shops long ago and it works out well for me.
@French Farmer - If the debit card worked, I guess you would not lose eligibility (?). Because it did not state to absolutely not use a debit card, right? It looks like they highly discourage it, though. And if it did not work, how would they know? You could just use another card and proceed, right? Or, do you think they would reject it even if it worked because they saw the word "debit" on the receipt?

I have had the CC issue many times with the fraud department shutting the CC down and sending an alert. Some did not send the alert, so I got the surprise at the next station. I have called them and explained this cannot happen, I perform tests at several fuel pumps, so I must purchase small amounts in order to not fill up my tank before I get through all the locations. Most of them have understood and stopped the restriction. Others have called me and made me confirm I made the purchases to keep them from freezing the CC. UGH.
I believe that the debit card restriction is because of the $50 hold that will be placed on your debit card account until the actual payment amount is processed. That might prevent subsequent purchases, depending on the balance in the card's account. Different brands may have different hold amounts but they all do it.

But if the payment is made successfully I have no idea why ineligibility should be a punishment.
I like PayPal. I think my bank account is better protected than using a bank account debit/credit card. I do not use auto replenish. I spoke to PayPal when I started using their card. I asked them to remove restrictions. I can use it dozens of times a day. Just remember there is a hold on funds. When you get down to about 30 bucks the transaction will be denied because not enough funds for the fund hold.
Once upon a time, I told the ARCO story... I guess it wasn't on this thread. Doesn't matter, BP bought ARCO about 20 years ago (probably more)? I know it's been a while. Anyway, ARCO used to charge a fee, it started at I think $0.30 on debit cards, at their strange little payment kiosks that never really worked right between the gas pumps, this was long before pay at the pump. I know the charges went up often, the very last time I paid the fee it was $0.85. And for a long time before that ARCO simply didn't accept debit cards at all.

The guidelines used to specifically say that you cannot use debit cards at BP. And just like now, the MSC and the previous MSC threatened to deactivate you or remove you from the BP project. The credit card backed debit cards are different. You can NOT use your PIN # and the receipt shows it as a credit card transaction. Many of the BP stations don't give you the option to use your PIN#.
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