The Latest BP/Amoco Shops

For this particular MSC that handles so many different gas station shops, I always ensure that one of the very first shops I do in a new round is to shop local. Why? This MSC has a bad habit of not including complete details in their guidelines.
There are different reasons that I prefer to take my required photos and then, later file the report on my home computer.
Now, some may say, well, they do ask that the shopper use the app on fill out the report while on site. I've done this and often find that I have poor cell reception onsite.
There are other reasons and, I have found it is easier for me to as I stated above.
I digress.
In the latest round, I brought my laptop, hooked up to a local WiFi and did the report close to the BP gas station I inspected. And, so, I was able to file the report correctly.

In the latest BP shops, there are 2 areas that they now request a photo. I've gone through the guidelines twice and still have not found the recent required photo(s) mentioned. Maybe they're there - I couldn't find them.
One is that the report now requests a photo of the pump showing its design type. That is not a problem for me since I do take multiple photos of each pump. This is due to BP guidelines do state that the shopper cannot use the same photo twice.
The second photo in which is asked of the shopper is the screen and approximate size. Again, I suppose the shopper could possibly crop a pump photo of just the screen. But, again, is that using a same photo twice. Plus, will the cropped photo be too blurry. OTOH, cropping a photo on my smartphone is difficult - I would rather do it on my confuser.
Lastly, for each pump photo, there is quite a long list of questions about the pump that makes answering on the phone especially hard (for my anyway). Plus they still want the shopper to input the pump number.

Sorry for the long comment. Aïe!

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I haven't done this specific shop, but I personally prefer completing and submitting the reports on my personal computer. If it's my first shop, saving the report does give me something to refer back to, if needed. In my short experience, I found that it's better to take extra photos than to crop photos.

On one rare occurrence for a different type of shop, the reviewer asked me to crop a photo and resubmit, in order to see relevant information more clearly on the report.

Rendre le dernier soupir!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2025 07:56PM by Okie.
Frenchie, I submit photo-heavy shops at home, too. And also shop local on new releases for the same reason, in case there are surprises that I have to go back for. You are not alone! As for BP, I salute you! I've read that editors are picky. I started to read the guidelines not too long ago and decided that I did not have that much time left in life to waste on all that. None in my area but I had thought about road tripping. Not thinking about it any more!
I find doing the reports later to be a better use of time when on the road. I'm not a fan of being forced to use an app that is not always reliable. When using Sassie, if you make one false move and get off the screen you lose everything and have to start over.
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