Circle K

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@Morledzep wrote:

You can say Presto, they are not an MSC. And it's a sea otter.

I first thought it was either Chewbaca or Mel Gibson from Braveheart.

Maybe it was the wine.
@Morledzep wrote:

You can say Presto, they are not an MSC. And it's a sea otter.
Not a river otter? Or an Asian Small-Clawed Otter?
lol Koko, no river otters are larger and their face is different, and they have back feet. I'm not familiar with the other otter you mentioned. The picture of the live otter on the redirect page shows it in the water with no visible land, that would likely not be a river..
check Jobslinger. I may saw them over there.

Shopping Eastern Pennsylvania since 2009
I have not seen them on the animal app since January.

Do not read so much, look about you and think of what you see there.
Richard Feynman-- letter to Ashok Arora, 4 January 1967, published in Perfectly Reasonable Deviations from the Beaten Track (2005) p. 230
I wonder if they're having a harder time filling these now, now that they have a new program for them.
No longer the easy to slip in, slip out - works well for both kind of thing.
Guess it wasn't working for Circle K, so presumably they've overhauled the thing.
The jobs are getting filled quickly in my area. I often log in to see that, within a day, new locations have been posted and accepted by shoppers. That's one nice thing about Prophet, that you can ask to be notified if a job becomes available again. And - surprise, surprise - I was able to search outside of my immediate area!
I'm not having much luck with this MSC, they seem to think I live 2 - 3 hours SouthEast of where I am, and I don't even go to that area unless the shops are paying VERY VERY well.
@Morledzep wrote:

I'm not having much luck with this MSC, they seem to think I live 2 - 3 hours SouthEast of where I am, and I don't even go to that area unless the shops are paying VERY VERY well.
Same here. Closest to me are about 3-4 hours west. They're bombarding me with emails and I keep hoping maybe the shops have expanded into my area ... nope.
Watch the expiration dates! I have seen old, old stuff on the shelves in these stores! I missed this one: a small Dole orange juice (priced over the $3 reimbursement, yet). I took 3 big gulps, gagged then looked at the expiration date - 8/25/24. Ewww. Tasted like ammonia.
each day I am getting email about them. But they are far away from me.

Shopping Eastern Pennsylvania since 2009
@gene wrote:

each day I am getting email about them. But they are far away from me.
I'm hoping that due to the switch in MSCs, they are taking a "pilot" approach to work the bugs out, and the campaign will spread to other areas (like mine lol). I do miss them with the old MSC, even though it could sometimes be tricky to get them above $5 base with all the bottom feeders afoot.
I did 3 yesterday for $15 plus reimbursement. Easy shop. Easy report.

Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008
When I did one back several years ago the only thing I had to buy was a polar drink.. Now, if I remember right we have to buy gas and anything in the store not over $ 2 but no specials like 2/2 for special.
You can't buy just anything in the store. There is a list of items from the cooler that you can buy. You can spend more but they only reimbursement up to the set amount. It doesn't have to be $2 in store (it's actually $3 reimbursement anyway). Usually, my bottle of soda is over $3..jeesh for a stinkin' bottle of Pepsi..$3 really!!! You can get more than $6 of gas, but they'll only reimburse $6. And you have to enter those amounts in the report when asked, not what you actually paid.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
I'm here in Mexico and there's a Circle K down the block from where I am staying...
I see no way to shop it, but I was tempted to look lol...I've always noticed there are a staggering number of convenience stores in this country....if they had a shopping program, you could spend the afternoon just walking around....mostly OXXO.
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