Yeah, I just got an email from them. Unfortunately, all the locations I see listed on the site are a few hundred miles from me. There are 20-25 in my region that used to be shopped with the old MSC on the gopher app.@sdbecker wrote:
Deleted quote portion removed for including above poster's violation of listing initials of MSC listed with Client in this thread. Feel free to remove the violation and then re-post
@KokoBWare wrote:
Yeah, I just got an email from them. Unfortunately, all the locations I see listed on the site are a few hundred miles from me. There are 20-25 in my region that used to be shopped with the old MSC on the gopher app.
Not only have I not been doing them, I've never heard of them. Is this the old MSC, the new MSC, or a third MSC?@Tiffany0921 wrote:
In my area we had Circle K 200 question revealed audits. They started at $25, I picked a few up when they were heavily bonused. They were time consuming, which I expected, and there were definitely some questions that needed to be explained better. The very stressful part was them asking what size things were; without a tape measure, I did my best. Ok the second very stressful part was when "something went wrong" when I hit "save for later". I got to the point where I would do like 5 questions and save just in case. Fortunately my first one was approved with no issues, so I am going to do a few more this weekend. Has anyone else been doing them?
Listing the initials of the MSC is still considered naming the MSC with the Client, and so the post has been removed. Feel free to remove the violation and then re-post.