Circle K

Has anyone seen any of these jobs recently? There were two left in my area when they did the update on Sunday morning 3-4 weeks ago. After the update, they were gone and none have been posted in February.

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Apparently the new round hasn't posted yet.. They'll most likely post sometime this week if they do at all. You never can tell when a program is going to start or end. It helps to find a few minutes each day to pop into the MSC's websites and see what's new. This is just a forum, we have no advance information about what and when it's going to be posted.
In my area, they all showed up last Monday but by Tuesday all were gone. Then just one location returned on Wednesday and it's still the only one available today. It's weird.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2025 07:26PM by whataboutpromblaine.
They are on the board of the former company, which is a really great company, btw. Higher pay and reimbursement too!

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
Yea, I'm not sure where they're at, either. Years ago they were with the 'all the way around a circle' MSC, but I don't see them listed there.
The company who refers to shoppers as “Team Top Gun” has some of these - check to see if these are open past midnight. I don’t do them anymore. I discovered being out after midnight at Circle K around here is very uncomfortable.
I do know that pictures of infractions are mandatory and, although I have not shopped Circle K proper for a few years, I've been in their stores for other gas brands. Lemme tell ya - they're a mess! Not all, of course, but way too many. Broken machinery, empty shelves, dirt and grime. Some rival Valero or Citgo stores. So that is going to be a whole lot of picture taking. I might need to wait for bonuses. But at least the in-store reimbursement might cover the purchase.

P.S. They're going like hot cakes over here!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2025 08:34PM by sestrahelena.
It's a little confusing, when I went to check out Team Top Gun, it just refers me to Presto - the same place I believe we've noted here - they're not appearing.
Moderator Note:

Listing the initials of the MSC is still considered naming the MSC with the Client, and so the post has been removed. Feel free to remove the violation and then re-post.

@sdbecker wrote:

Yeah, I just got an email from them. Unfortunately, all the locations I see listed on the site are a few hundred miles from me. There are 20-25 in my region that used to be shopped with the old MSC on the gopher app. sad smiley
Moderator Note:

Deleted quote portion removed for including above poster's violation of listing initials of MSC listed with Client in this thread. Feel free to remove the violation and then re-post

@KokoBWare wrote:

Yeah, I just got an email from them. Unfortunately, all the locations I see listed on the site are a few hundred miles from me. There are 20-25 in my region that used to be shopped with the old MSC on the gopher app. sad smiley

Same - my usual local ones are not on there
In my area we had Circle K 200 question revealed audits. They started at $25, I picked a few up when they were heavily bonused. They were time consuming, which I expected, and there were definitely some questions that needed to be explained better. The very stressful part was them asking what size things were; without a tape measure, I did my best. Ok the second very stressful part was when "something went wrong" when I hit "save for later". I got to the point where I would do like 5 questions and save just in case. Fortunately my first one was approved with no issues, so I am going to do a few more this weekend. Has anyone else been doing them?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2025 12:56AM by Tiffany0921.
@Tiffany0921 wrote:

In my area we had Circle K 200 question revealed audits. They started at $25, I picked a few up when they were heavily bonused. They were time consuming, which I expected, and there were definitely some questions that needed to be explained better. The very stressful part was them asking what size things were; without a tape measure, I did my best. Ok the second very stressful part was when "something went wrong" when I hit "save for later". I got to the point where I would do like 5 questions and save just in case. Fortunately my first one was approved with no issues, so I am going to do a few more this weekend. Has anyone else been doing them?
Not only have I not been doing them, I've never heard of them. Is this the old MSC, the new MSC, or a third MSC?
I don't know the answer to that. They are new to me. I have seen Circle K night shops but not any other Circle K. I have found both types of Circle K on the app with the walrus/beaver. It was a new to me MSC that has no other clients in my area.
Just to clarify...The animal is an otter, seen on Presto Shopper.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/15/2025 11:00PM by purpleicee.
There don't appear to be as many circle k locations present on the Sea Lion App as there used to be.
The opposite of Old with Image next. They had them before. I hope that is allowed.
I am familiar with that other company. They have some of them but not most of them where I live. They appear to have all the franchise locations around here.
Since so many cannot discern the animal on their APP...

Directly from Presto's website:

Presto Insta-Shops is a mystery shopping system for mobile devices. Created by the makers of SASSIE, Presto is fast, fun and friendly -- just like our trademark otter!
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