Circle K

Has anyone seen any of these jobs recently? There were two left in my area when they did the update on Sunday morning 3-4 weeks ago. After the update, they were gone and none have been posted in February.

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Apparently the new round hasn't posted yet.. They'll most likely post sometime this week if they do at all. You never can tell when a program is going to start or end. It helps to find a few minutes each day to pop into the MSC's websites and see what's new. This is just a forum, we have no advance information about what and when it's going to be posted.
In my area, they all showed up last Monday but by Tuesday all were gone. Then just one location returned on Wednesday and it's still the only one available today. It's weird.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/10/2025 07:26PM by whataboutpromblaine.
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