Unexpected Shop Bonus

Fellow forum members, I wanted to share that I received an unexpected bonus for a past shop. I'm too shy to share the full details, but this is such a rare occurrence, I wanted to let you all know about my shock.

It's a less frequent shop, longer rotation, and additional requirements. However, I've always received good vibes from the person who handles the shops and the other person who typically reviews the shops. I've focused on submitting quality reports, as well.

The MSC is not White Clay. It was a significant bonus amount in relation to the original payment amount, but I feel better about my work!

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I always get bonuses from White Clay- would love to get some from other companies- but so far no such luck. I am happy for you!
That is great. So nice to know your work is appreciated! Hopefully they don't write you tomorrow and say it was a banking error!
That's nice that you were rewarded for doing a great job! Congrats!

Shopping Arkansas, Louisiana, & Mississippi.
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