A question for schedulers

A serious question for schedulers.

Not naming anyone by name, just generally curious.

Why would you keep scheduling for companies with a current track on non-payments and no answers when shoppers contact the company to ask about non-payments going back months?

Is there no concern about your name becoming associated with the pattern of non-payments?

Are there any ethical concerns that come into play?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2025 09:56PM by MMMM.

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I'm highly doubting we see any schedulers post on here that they are okay with working for a deadbeat MSC
I wonder if the schedulers are even aware of how big of a problem this is or if they even care. That is the "other side of the house."
OP just asked the question. They did not say they were shopping them. I thought it was a great question.

@jgardn02 wrote:

Sorry, but why would you keep shopping them?
@hbbigdaddy wrote:

I'm highly doubting we see any schedulers post on here that they are okay with working for a deadbeat MSC
Agree, no one will admit to that publicly, but it makes me wonder, how are they getting paid? Are they ahead of us in the payment queue?
Personally, I'll avoid any future shops from schedulers that are ok with working with non-paying (to shoppers) MSCs, especially when the issues are widely publicized on a forum like this one. Once the trust is broken, or to use the old timey phrase "your good name is tarnished", it's impossible to redeem that relationship.
@jgardn02 wrote:

Sorry, but why would you keep shopping them?
Of course I am not shopping for them (anymore) but I am shocked that non-owner related schedulers are willing to turn the blind eye to the shopper payment issues.
If the scheduler was an independent contractor, I personally wouldn't hold him/her to that standard.

Some smaller MSCs, the director sometimes schedules high-profile clients.
@Okie wrote:

If the scheduler was an independent contractor, I personally wouldn't hold him/her to that standard.

Just out of curiosity - why not hold them to a standard? Knowingly scheduling for a non-paying company? How much could one possibly be paid to do that and still sleep well at night?
Initially, I took these questions as rhetorical. I can't speak for a scheduler. I can only speculate.

If a scheduler knowingly schedules for an insolvent MSC, I guess you can attach morality to anything. Maybe the scheduler has a "not my circus, not my monkeys" approach.

I know there's the argument that schedulers shouldn't continue to schedule for those MSCs. That's valid.

However, if the scheduler was an employee and had direct control of operations and disbursement of funds, I believe that's even worse.
I possess the ability to simultaneously have business and personal feelings and to keep each separated. As an example, I understand why, in a business sense, some MSCs are as vultures on a branch awaiting carrion. Morally, though, that action is reprehensible. When the subject pops into my mind, I recall a post of the past where the shopper explained she was in tears needing money and Ipsos stiffed her. She candidly stated she was forced, due to her situation, to continue the relationship.
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